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1、Un it4单元检测单项选择1. (2017 四川巴中中考)There are quite a few books On the shelf,butof them is USeful to me.A. all B.n either C.none2. ( 2017 四川内江中考)1 don't know how to deal Withthe problem.A.状语B.表语C.宾语D.宾补3. (2017广东深圳第二次联考)-SimOn has just heard from his friend Ben from an AUStraIian SiSter school. He is

2、Very happy.-Yes. He will be an exchange StUdent and ViSit Ben during the SUmmer holiday.A. received a Ietter fromB. got a gift fromC. received a call from4. (2017广东深圳第二次联考)-Linda, how are youWith your newclassmates?-At first,I felt,but now We are good frie nds.A. gett ing alon g;out of placeB. mix i

3、ng; out of dateC. maki ng frien ds; out of Sight5. ( 2017重庆渝北中考)It isn't easy for USEnglish well.Aearn BearnsCearni ng D.to Iear n6. ( 2016广东深圳锦华实验学校月考 )The motorbike is SuPPoSed to make an annoying noise.A. excit ingB.surpris ingC.un PIeaSa nt7. ( 2016 广东深圳锦华实验学校月考)I regretted not telling the t

4、eacher the truth.A. felt sorry forB. was happy WithC. had no in terest in8. ( 2016广东深圳锦华实验学校月考)Ais SOmething that you Sayor Write to give your opinion on SOmethi ng.A. habit B.hobbyC.comme nt9. (2016湖北荆州中考)一 Could youme your bike, Tom?-OK. And you Canit for a week.Aend; keepB.borrow;Ie ndCend; borro

5、wD.borrow; keep10. (2016广东深圳坂田新城学校期中)-You'd better not eat too much salt. It's bad for your health.A. Not at allB. Yo u're welcomeC. Tha nks for your advice完形填空An OId man lived With his little grandson. EVery day the OId man got UP early to read books. HiS grandson wan ted to be just lik

6、e him and tried to copy him in every 11 he could.One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa ! I try to read that book just like you do, but I don't Understand it, and I always forget 12 I close the book. What good does 13 do?"The grandfather quietly turned from PUtting14 in the stove andrepl

7、ied,"Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."The boy did as his gran dpa said, but all the Water Ieaked out before he got back home.The grandfather IaUghed and said,"You'll have to walk faster next time."The next time the boy ran faster, b

8、ut the basket WaS still empty before he 15 home. The boy said, "See, Gran dpa, it's 16 to finish this task!""Is it no use?"the old man said." 17 the basket."The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket WaS18nStead of a dirty old coal

9、basket, it WaS _19in Side and out."My child, that's What happens When you read the book. You mightnot Understand Or remember everything, but the 20 WiIl Change you inSide and out. That is the work of reading in OUr lives."11. A.wayB.book C.table12. A.until B.when C.since13. A.read ing

10、the bookB.gett ing UP earlyC.sitt ing at the desk14.A.waterB.book C.coal15.A.returnedB.readC.bought16. A. difficultB. differe ntC .impossible17. A.Look forB.Look atC.Look after18.A. newB.differe ntC.ugly19. A.differe ntB.clea nC. complete20.A.wordsB.basketC.water阅读理解A2017辽宁营口中考)My Parents give me an

11、 allowance every week. An allowance is the money I earn 赚的) When I do ChOreS or jobs around the house. There are a lot of thi ngs I Want to buy With my allowa nce, but I have to earn it first! There are many WayS to earn mon ey. I do Chores, make my bed and empty the dishwasher. I also help my Pare

12、nts Whe never they ask.My Pare nts let me choose how to SPe nd my allowa nce, but they Say I should n't USe it UP at on ce. That's Why they taught me about budgets 预 算).A budget helps people buy things now and also SaVe for thi ngs in the future. My mom SayS there are three WayS to USe my al

13、lowa nce. I Can SPe nd it, SaVe it, or give it away. I Want to do all three, so my mom and I make three jars. One is a "spe nd" jar, one is a " save" jar, and one is a "give" jar.SPend JarThe SPe nd jar is my favorite! I PUt most of my allowa nce here. At the end of the

14、 mon th, I count UP all my SPe nding mon ey. I USe it to buy things and do fun thi ngs With my frie nds.SaVe JarSometimes, there are things I want, but I don't have enoUgh money. That's What the SaVe jar is for. I PUt some of my allowa nce in it. It builds UP more and more each week. After a

15、 while, I have eno Ugh money to buy What I want.GiVe JarThe last jar is Very special. It's the give jar. I don ate (捐赠)the money to a Charity (慈善机构)or another good cause. My dad SayS that don ati ng money helps other people and makes our world a better place.I like PUtt ing my allowa nce in to m

16、y three jars. It's fun to See it build UP over time! Do you earn an allowa nce?21. The Chin ese meaning of the Un derl ined wordallowa nce" is.A.允许B.零用钱C承诺D.费用22. There arejars for the writer's mon ey.A. o ne B.two C.three D.four23. For budgets, the writer's Pare nts did n't Wan

17、t him to.A. spe nd all the money in a short timeB. build UP too much moneyC. save the money for thi ngs in the futureD. choose how to SPe nd the money24. Which of the followi ng is TRUEaCCOrd ing to the passage?A. The writer's Pare nts have a large amount of mon ey.B. The Writer asks his mother

18、to make the three jars.C. The Writer don ates money in the "spe nd" jar to a charity.D. There are many WayS to get the allowa nce for the writer.25. We Can Iear n how toaccord ing to the passage.A. use the allowance B.make three jarsC.help OtherS D.buy thingsBMy 14-year-old son. Joh n, and

19、 I SaW the coat at the Same time in a SeC on d-ha nd clothi ng store. It stood out among big and old coats. It WaS so beautiful and had an Un believable price, $28looked at my son and We both Said nothing, but John's eyes shone. Dark, woolen coats Were popular With teenage boys, but new ones cou

20、ld cost SeVeraI hundred dollars. ThiS coat WaS eve n better. Joh n tried it on and tur ned from Side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror. It fit him So well.Joh n wore the coat to school the n ext day. After he Came home, I asked, "Did the kids like your coat?""They love it," h

21、e Said With a big grin.OVer the next few weeks, John Changed. He WaS polite, less argumentative, more thoughtful, and much happier. "Good dinner, mom,"he would Say every eve ning. WithOUt a word of complai ning, he would Carry in wood for the stove. One day When I SUggeSted that he might S

22、tart on his homework before dinner, John, who always PUt things off, said,"You're right. I guess I will." When I mentioned this Change to one of his teachers, She joked that the coat must have Cha nged him.Joh n and I both know We should n ever judge a PerS on by his clothes. BUt it is

23、 true that When Wearing beautiful and SUitabIe clothes, We may try to be better in thought, SPeeCh and behavior to match What is on the inSide to What is on the outside.26. What Can We lear n from the first paragraph?A. The PriCe of the coat WaS too high.B. Joh n liked the coat Very much.C. They oft

24、e n Went shopp ing together.D. The Writer did n't Want to buy the coat.27. What does the Un derl ined word" grin" mea n?A. A Wide smile. B.A WOrried look.C.An UPSet voice.D.A n angry mood.28. What did Joh n USe to do Whe n he WaS asked to study?A. Start at On ce.B. Put off his homework

25、.C. Work hard On schoolwork.D. Carry in wood for the stove.29. Which of the follow ing Cha nges did NoT happe n to Joh n after he wore the coat?A. He WaS willing to follow SUggeStions.B. He ofte n helped to do some housework.C. He always WOrried about his study.D. He Said SWeet words to make his mot

26、her happy.30. What does the Writer Want to Say through this passage?A. What We Wear could help What We are.B. Life is full of POSSibiIitieS When We are young.C. We should no t judge people by their appeara nce.D. It's a good ChOiCe to try different things in our lives.C(2017山东日照中考)Many kids help

27、 Pare nts to do ChOreS in the house. They may take out the trash. Walk the dog Or SWeeP the floor. In return, Some kids get money or other rewards from their Pare nts, SUCh as 20 minu tes to play COmPUter games.BUt some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing Chores. One of them i

28、s Jane Smith, a Parenting educator and family coach. She believes if kids get rewards, they may think that work isn't worth doing Unl ess you get SOmethi ng in return. For example, kids won't SWeeP the floor if they See it is dirty. BUt they will do it if their Pare nts reward them for it.&q

29、uot;Every house is a team effort,"Ja ne said."A home is a liv ing SPaCe for every one in the family. It's importa nt for kids to See that We all have a resp on SibiIity to keep our home clea n."Other people hold differe nt opinions. They believe that money or other rewards enCOUra

30、ge kids to do more Chores. It also teaches them real world less ons. They Can Iear n how We n eed to work to make mon ey.Now, there are also apps that en COUrage kids to do Chores. The apps give kids points and digital (电子的)gifts that Can be USed either onIine or in life. With the app Chore Mon ster

31、, kids earn digital poi nts after doing Chores. KidS Can excha nge their POintS for real rewards, SUCh as time to play video games or a trip to the mall." OUr goal is to en COUrage kids so they Can earn rewards,"says Joe Black, foun der of Chore Mon ster."KidS n eed POSitiVe 积极的) powe

32、r to make them do chores."31Jane Smiththi nks thatA. housework isn't worth doingB. kids are not willi ng to do ChOreSC. kids should get SOmethi ng in retur nD. kids should n't get rewards for doing ChOreS32.ChoreM On Ster is a( n)A.educator B.coach C.app D.app founder33.If rewarded for

33、doing Chores, kids Can Iear n to.A.take resp on SibiIitieSB.use apps wellC.make money through work D.understand team effort34. What's the PUrPOSe of the apps men ti oned in the passage?A. To give kids POintSand gifts.B. To en COUrage kids to do Chores.C. To excha nge POintS for real rewards.D. T

34、o give kids advice on doing Chores.35. The PaSSage mainly talks aboutA. how to en COUrage kids to do ChOreSB. what kind of ChOreS kids should doC. if kids should do ChOreS at homeD. whether kids should be rewarded for doing ChOreS阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的 最佳选项,使短文通顺,连贯,意思完整。(2017福建中考)Teen age l

35、ife-better now, Or in the past?DoeS this SitUatiOn Sound familiar(熟悉)?You are complaining(抱怨)to your Parents about SOmething. Maybe your COmPUter isn't POWerfUI enoUgh to play the IateSt games. _36 The n you hear."Whe n I WaS your age, there Were n't any COmPUterS or video games.And I d

36、id n't get a bike Un til I WaS SiXtee n. And it WaS SeC on d-ha nd. _37So, is it really true that life is better for teenagers now? It is Certainly true that many teenagers have got more things noWadays.38 SoPare nts have got more money to SPe nd on each child. And many thi ngs are CheaPer tha n

37、 they Were Whe n our Pare nts Were ChiIdre n.39 Forty years ago, no one Could imagine a World With tiny COmPUterS and amazing SmartPhones. And now these things are n ecessary-we Can't imagi ne livi ng WithOUt them !HOWeVer, tech noIogy often means We SPend more time at home. And often it's j

38、ust us, With our COmPUter or television. Teenagersdon't do eno Ugh exercise_40And, although young PeOPIe still get on well With their friends, some PeOPIe think teenagers today don't have so many social activities as they did in the Past.What do you think? How is tee nage life better these d

39、ays?A. A nd it WaS too big for me.B. A typical family is smaller now.C. Or your friends' bikes are better thanyours.D. So they aren't as healthy as they Were inthe past.E. TechnoIogy is PrObabIy the greatestCha nge in Our life.36. 0任务型阅读EaCh year, many Chin ese people go abroad bec

40、ause of all kinds of reas ons. They are beco ming youn ger and youn ger year by year. EVe n some Chin ese Pare nts Send their ChiIdre n to foreig n coun tries Whe n they are only in a middle school. They think their ChiIdren Can get a Wider view, less academic学业的)COmPetition or family honor. BUt lif

41、e Can be bad for young people there. At first, they have to face the CUItUraI differe nces and Ian guage problems. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服).To most ChiIdren, controlling(管 理) themselves well is a big challe nge Whe n StUdy ing alone in a Stra nge coun t

42、ry.YU Yang, a 15-year-old StUde nt from GUangdOng PrOVin ce, StUdieS in a high school in Toron to, Can ada. To his surprise, his teachers there seldomPuSh Students to Study abroad. And usually there isn't too muchhomework. StUdents have lots of free time to do the activities. Some ofhis friends

43、SPe nd their whole year's money in the first two mon ths of thenew term. So they have to ask their Pare nts for some more money.On the one hand, StUdying abroad Can help StUdents learn foreignIan guages quickly and ope n UP their eyes, but on the other hand, someChiIdren may feel Ionely, become

44、bad, lose themselves, etc. Manyproblems may happen to them. TheSe are different from their originalthoughts. So Parents should think them over before their ChiIdren goabroad.41. Why do Chin ese Pare nts Send their ChiIdre n abroad?42. What do StUde nts have to face in foreig n coun tries at first?43

45、. C on trolli ng themselves well is a big challe nge, is n't it?44. Do StUde nts in Can ada have more free time tha n those in Chi na?45. What Can help StUde nts lear n foreig n Ian guages quickly and ope n UPtheir eyes?信息归纳(2017广东中考)请阅读JaSOn在他的个人主页上写的一篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。IHa IrJMlIr d14Our words

46、 Carry huge weight. They may in flue nce people for years, andeven for a Iifetime. They PrOVide them With COUrage to go On Or one more reas On to give up.When I WaS fourteen, my family moved to another city. JUnior high WaS always a difficult time for me, and the move made my ninth-grade year eve n

47、harder. I remember walk ing in to the dining hall for the first time.The other kids had good friends With them, but I did n't know anyon e. I felt Ionely and Went to the nearest Seat after getting some food. The kids beside me looked at me UP and dow n and the n IaUghed. I could feel my face tur

48、ning red at that moment. Then one of the kids broke the ice."Ma n ! You have one BlG nose ! "I felt hurt and did n't know What to say. I Wan ted to cry, but I man aged a little Smile-as if it did n't hurt me at all. BUt it did.From then on, I would often look at myself in the mirro

49、r. I StUdied the big nose closely. It Seemed that I WaS just living for my nose. Than kfully, I grew out of this in flue nce fin ally. BUt it really took me twenty years.There is ano ther thi ng that is kept deep in my min d. I remember going through a terrible bus in ess failure. I lost everyth in

50、g. I called my dad for help and he told me a lot about how to deal With the failure. What he Said gave me a lot of COUrage and con fide nce(信心)to go on With my bus in ess.In formatio n CardThe thi ng that may in flue nce people for a Iong time46.JaSon's feeling Whenheen tered the dining hall47.T

51、he Part of JaS on's body that other kids IaUghed at48.The number of years thatJaSOn SPent growing out of the in flue nce49.The PerSon who gave JaSonCOUrage and con fide nce50.书面表达(2017山西中考)在我们成长的过程中,有过各种各样的经历,其中,“考试”也是一种经历,“成绩”更是一直“伴随”着我们。为使同学们学会客观、 理性地看待问题,九kok电子竞技三班以“考试成绩重要吗,它是否等同于实 际能力? ”为题展开了辩论。假

52、设你是正方或反方的一员(只需选择一方),请围绕你的观点,结合亲身经历来说服同学们。要求:1.词数不少于80词;2. 提示词正、反方均可使用,仅供参考;3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。单元检测全练kok电子竞技P431. 1. C考查不定代词辨析。句意:架子上有相当多的书,但是对我来说没有一本是有用的。由句中的but和句意可排除A项。neither指两者都不;none指三者或三者以上都不。故选 CO2. C考查句子成分。句意:我不知道怎样处理这个问题。画线部分是 动词knOW的宾语。3. A考查同义短语替换。hear from意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于“receive a Ietter from”

53、O4. A考查短语的辨析。句意: 琳达,你跟新同学相处得怎么样?开始的时候,我感觉不自在,但是现在我们是好朋友了。第一个空 “get along With”意为“和相处”,第二个空“ Out of place”意为“格格不入”,是固定搭配。故选Ao5. D考查非谓语动词。句意:学好英语对我们来说不容易。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。故选Do6. C annOying意为“使生气的”,相当于“ UnPIeaSant”(令人不愉快的)。故选CO7. A regret意为“懊悔”,相当于“ feel sorry for”。故选 AO8 C根据句子后面的解释“就是说出或是写出对于某事你

54、的观点”可知是“评论”。habit意为“习惯” ;hobby意为“爱好” ;comment 意为“评论”。故选Co9. A考查延续性与非延续性动词。句意:一一你可以借给我你的自 行车吗,汤姆?一一可以。你可以借一周。Iend “借(出)”,非延续 性动词;borrow “借(人)”,非延续性动词;keep “借”,延续性动 词,常与“ f叶时间段”连用。故选Ao10. C上文给出的是“不要吃太多的盐,它对你的健康有害”,下文 应对“别人的建议”表示感谢。故选 CO.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了爷爷让小孙子用篮子装水,以此来解答他对读书是否有用的疑惑。11. A他的孙子尽力去模仿他。Wa

55、y意为“方式”。12. B当“我”合上书的时候总是忘记看过的内容。When意为“当时候” .Until意为“直到时候”,SinCe意为“自从”。故选B。13. A从上文中的“ try to read that book ”可知后面孙子是想问读书的好处.14. C从下文中的“ Take this coal basket down可知爷爷正在往火炉里添煤。15. A根据上下文可知在孙子回家前篮子已经空了.return意为“返回”16. C孙子认为这个任务(用篮子装水)是不可能完成的,故用impossible。17. B从下文中的 “The boy looked at the basket 可知,应

56、选 BO look at 意为“看” ;look after意为“照顾” ;look for意为“寻找”。18. B从下文中的 “ InStead of a dirty old coal basket 可知,孙子意识 到篮子是不同的。19. B经过水的清洗,原本装煤的脏篮子由内而外被清洗干净,故用Clea n。20. A句意:你可能无法理解或记住书本中的所有东西,但是书中的 文字会由内而外地改变你。故选 Ao皿.A语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文.讲述了作者在父母的帮助下成功管理好 了零用钱,并写出了具体方法.21. B词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第二句中的An allowance is themone

57、y可知,这是钱的意思,第一句又说是父母给的,故推测是零用 钱。故选BO22. C细节理解题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句中的 so my mom andI make three jars可知,一共有三个存钱罐。故选 CO23. A细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句中的they Say I should n't USe it UP at once可知,父母不想让作者一次性用完。故选 A。24.D推理判断题。根据文章第一段倒数第三句 There are many WayS to earn mo ney.可知,作者有很多方法挣钱。故选 DO25. A主旨大意题。本文介绍了作者在父母的帮助下成功管理

58、零花钱,并具体说明了方法。故本文可让我们学到如何管理零花钱。故选AoB语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在二手服装店内为儿子 买到了一件流行但价格特别便宜的外套,这使儿子的行为举止发生了 巨大的变化,成为一个文明礼貌、有思想和更快乐的男孩子.26. B细节理解题。由文章第一段中 John's eyes Shone和最后一句可知,看到这件衣服,儿子眼睛放光并最终买下。由此可知他非常喜欢这件外套。故选BO27. A词义猜测题。由前一句They IoVe it可知,儿子的衣服受到了同学们的喜爱。结合他的改变可知,此时他很快乐。故选Ao28. B细节理解题。由文章第四段中的John, w

59、ho always Put things Off可知,他以前是一个凡事拖拉的孩子。故选BO29. C推理判断题。由第四段可知,儿子穿上那件外套后学会了礼貌说话、为炉子添柴、接受我的建议。运用排除法,可知选CO30. A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,儿子穿了一件喜欢的衣服上学后 有了全新的改变。这件事告诉我们,我们的穿着会影响我们的行为, A项与此相符。C语篇解读本文是一篇议论文,谈论的是孩子在家里帮助父母做家务是 否应该得到报酬或一些优惠务件。31. D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But Some people do not think.Jane Smith'可知,教育家Jane Smit

60、h主张孩子们不应该因为做家务劳动,就得到一些报酬。故选DO32. C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“ With the app ChOreMOnster, kids earn digital points after doing ChOreS . ” 可知,这是一款可以让孩 子们通过做家务来挣取积分的应用程序。故选 CO33. C细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“ They Can learn how We need to work to make money可知,孩子做家务获得报酬可以帮助他们学习如何通过劳动挣钱。故选CO34. B推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“ Now. there are a

61、lso apps that en COUrage kids to do ChOreS ”可知,现在也有一些应用程序鼓励孩子 们做家务。故选BO35. D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要谈论的是孩子们在家做家务是否应该获得报酬。故选 DoW.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。文章论述了对于青少年来说,是过 去的生活好还是现在的好。36. C 根据上文的You are complaining to your Parents aboutSOmethi ng.可知本空应选青少年向父母抱怨的内容,故本题选择CO37. A 设空处是父母在描述得到的第一辆自行车,故本题选Ao38. B 由下文的 So Paren

62、ts have got more money to SPend on eachchild.可知本空应选父母有更多的钱花在每个孩子身上的原因,故本题应选BO39. E下文讲了 40年前的生活和现在发生的变化,由此可知本题应选E.40. D 由上文的 Teenagers don't do enOugh exercise 可知现在的青 少年总是看电视、玩电脑,没有足够多的锻炼,故本题应选DOV.语篇解读本文为议论文,主要谈论了当前的出国留学热现象及在 出国留学时学生可能会遇到的一些问题。41. Because they thi nk their ChiIdre n Can get a Wid

63、er view, less academic COmPetitiOn Or family honor.(由第一段中的“ They think.or family honor. ”可知。)42. They have to face the CUItUraI differences and Ianguage problems.(由文中“ At firstPrObIemS可知。)43. YeS it is.(根据文章第一段中的“ To most ChiIdren, controlling themselves.coUntry” 可知。)44. Yes they do.(根据文章中的 “And usu

64、ally there isn't too much.freetime to do the activities可知答案。)45. StUdying abroad.(根据文章最后一段第一句可知答案。)语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,作者通过回忆学生时代同学对他说 的一句话以及工作后父亲鼓励他的话给他带来的影响.说明了言语对他人的影响会很深远。46. ( our) words 由第一段的前两句可知应填(our) words。47.lo nely根据第二段三、四、五句可知此处应填Ion ely。48. his/the nose 根据“Man! You have one BlG nosg'!

65、可知,其他孩子取笑作者的“大鼻子”,因此应填his/the nose。49.20/twe nty(years)由第二段最后一句可知,作者被这句话影响了 20 年,因此应填 20/twenty( years)。50. his/JasOn's dad由最后一段可知作者的父亲在他破产的时候给他 鼓励和信心,告诉他如何面对失败。Vn .One POSSibIe VerSion:I don't think grades are important. Students have different abilities and some of them can't be measured by grades, SUCh as creativity, abilities to com muni Cate and act.To Start with,I WaS n't good at En glish and seldom got high SCOreS On the


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