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1、Unit 6 At Animal Land PartA 20122013学年度第一学期 曾友君教学内容: Part A 教学目标: 词 汇: watch birds in Bird Park, see zebras at Zebra Zoo, ride through Lion Land, drive to Hippo Pool, stand near Monkey Mountain and see the monkeys 句 型:What can we do at Animal Land? We can ride through Lion Land. We can also 学生能用句型Wh

2、at can we do at Animal Land? We can 来谈论在Animal Land 可以做的活动。 学生能够根据听力内容画出路线图。 学会使用方位介词through,to,near,at,in。 培养学生爱护环境意识。教学重难点:1.教学重点: 本课时的教学重点:动词词组。2.教学难点: 本课时的教学难点:through 和zebra的发音;方位介词through,to,near,at,in的正确使用。教学方法: 任务型教学法、 情景教学法、交际法、 TPR教学法教具准备: 单词卡、图片、PPT教学过程:一、组织教学与复习1. 自然问候并和学生谈论个人喜欢的动物,一起来到A

3、li Baba的农场跟农场里的动物们一起歌唱。 T: Good morning, children. Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen. T: Do you like animals? Which is your favorite animal? S1: My favorite animal is dog. S2: I like cat best.2. 设置情景一:我们一起到Ali Baba的农场去,和那里的动物们一起歌唱。(见Ali Babas Farm) T: Ali Baba has a farm, there are lots of animals on his

4、farm. Would you like to meet the animals?Ss: Yes!Sing the song Ali Babas Farm从 free talk 入手谈论孩子们喜欢的动物,让他们对这节课有个总的认识我们的学习内容跟动物有关。接着以一首直观欢快的 flash 歌曲让他们对动物产生浓厚的兴趣,这样既活跃课堂气氛,又为下面的课堂教学做好知识和精神上的铺垫。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. 设置情景二:跟Ali Baba农场里的动物们见面后,和学生一起探讨这些动物的食物是什么,而zebra, hippo, lion又是以什么为食的,完成 Part H,并由此引出课题At An

5、imal Land。T: How many animals are there on Ali Babas farm? And what are they?Ss: Three. They are lamb, cow and pig.T: What do they eat?S1: Lambs eat plants.S2: Cows eat plants, too.S3: Pigs eat rice, meat and vegetables.T: Great! How about these animals? zebra, hippo and lion 从儿歌里出现的动物吃什么自然地过渡到Part

6、A 的动物吃什么,以轻松地完成Part H的任务教学,并引出这些动物的家园,即课题 At Animal Land2. 设置情景三:带领学生一起参观这些动物的家园 Animal Land。参观之前听听 Mr. Zhanga zoo keeper对 Animal Land 的介绍,并找出由几个景点组成。T: These animals live at Animal Land. Would you like to visit the Animal Land with me?Ss: Sure!T: Mr. Zhang works at the Animal Land, he can tell us s

7、omething about it. 听力材料:Hello, everyone. Welcome to our Animal Land and let the animals come to you! First, you can ride through Lion Land on a train. The lions are friendly. You can also drive to Hippo Pool in a little car. The hippos like to swim under the water. Then you can stand near Monkey Mou

8、ntain and see the monkeys. They like to climb and jump in the trees, they also like eating bananas. After that, you can see zebras at Zebra Zoo. They are black and white. And you can also watch birds in Bird Park. They are beautiful and they can sing songs for you. You will have a good time here.T:

9、How many places are there at Animal Land? What are they?S1: There are five places. They are Lion Land, Hippo Pool, Monkey Mountain, Zebra Zoo and Bird Park. 参观Animal Land之前以听zoo keeper介绍的形式让学生对Animal Land有所了解,这符合我们现实生活的实际情况。由于本课时的重点词组较长,所以让学生先找出景点的组成部分,这样对能力较弱的孩子就可以先解决读和说方面的难点,同时训练学生的听力理解能力。3. 组织学生针

10、对这几个景点谈论自己最喜欢的一个,并从刚才的录音介绍中得知我们能在这几个地方做什么事情,从而教授动词词组。 T: Animal Land looks fun! Do you think so?Ss: Yes!T: Which is your favourite place?S1: My favourite place is Lion Land because I like lions.T: What can we do there? (板书句型)S1: We can ride through Lion Land. (教授划线词组并板书)(以此步骤教授动词词组)S2: We can drive

11、to Hippo Pool. (教授划线词组并板书)S3: We can stand near Monkey Mountain and see the monkeys. (教授划线词组并板书)S4: We can see zebras at Zebra Zoo. (教授划线词组并板书)S5: We can watch birds in Bird Park. (教授划线词组并板书)在把地点名词掌握好后,恰当设疑,引导学生说出重点词组,符合小学生生理心理及语言的认知规律。4. 带读动词词组,并以开火车的形式检查孩子读的能力。 老师在带读完短语后,以最实在有效的开火车的方式,检查哪些孩子在认读方面还

12、比较薄弱,需要特别指导。5. 学生之间相互分享自己的喜好,以对话的形式组织两人活动,操练重点句型。A: Which is your favourite place?B: My favourite place is Lion Land.A: What can you do there?B: I can ride through Lion Land. A: Do you like lions? B: Yes, because they are the king of the animals.注6 由词到句,由句到对话,以对话的形式进一步巩固和操练学生对语言点的掌握, 并鼓励孩子说英语,提高语言表达

13、的能力。三、新知识的巩固与运用1. 设置情景四:根据 Mr. Zhang的介绍,在地图上画出他所介绍的参观路线。T: Which place shall we go and visit first? Lets listen to Mr. Zhangs recommendation and draw the route on the map. 学生在训练听力理解能力的同时,巧妙地加深了对重点词组的印象,从而在轻松愉悦的环境中达到预期的任务。2. 设置情景五:你喜欢Mr. Zhang所介绍的游览路线吗?你想自己做主,设计自己喜欢的游览路线吗?组织学生以小组合作的方式完成活动。T: Would yo

14、u like to visit the Animal Land in this way? Do you have a better idea? Which place would you like to visit first?(学生小组讨论出自己喜欢的路线)T: Now, lets share your route together. Group 1: First, we can ride through Lion Land. Then we can watch birds in Bird Park, because there is a show there. After that, we

15、 can stand near Monkey Mountain and see the monkey. We can also feed the monkey some bananas. Next we can drive to Hippo Pool. Then we can see zebras at Zebra Zoo. And say “Goodbye”to the birds. 可以自己设计参观路线是每个孩子渴望的事情,让他们自己做主,使得他们乐于参与课堂学习活动,始终保持高涨的学习热情,把知识慢慢地转化成能力。3. 设置情景六:大家开开心心地游览完后,Mr. Zhang 却皱起了眉头

16、,因为Animal Land里面到处又脏又乱。我们该怎么做呢? T: Do you have a good time at Animal Land? But Mr. Zhang is crying. Why? Look at the Animal Land, its dirty and messy everywhere. What should we do when we visit Animal Land?S1: We should throw our rubbish in the bin.S2: We should take good care of the animals.S3: We

17、shouldnt draw everywhere. 联系实际生活当中孩子们会犯的错误及时引导他们该如何正确处理,进行情感教育,体现生对生的评价。四、小结Listen to the introduction of the Animal Land and fill in the missing words. 通过听音完成 Animal Land 的介绍,进一步在笔头上巩固本课时所学的重难点知识。五、作业布置分层作业(自。 套餐 A: Listen and read Part A. 套餐 B: Tell something about Animal Land to your parents or

18、friends.套餐 C: Write a dialogue about visiting Animal Land. 分层作业,让学生各取所需。对实施分层教学,满足不同知识层面的学生的需求,能起到很好的效果。六、板书设计Unit6 At Animal Land PartAA: What can we do at Animal Land?B: Well, we can ride through Lion L and.We can also drive to Hippo Pool(书上截图animals at the Animal Land,并以这些动物命名小组,同时以比赛的形式体现课堂评价) 8


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