1、初中英语单词词性归类(七上)一、 名词A1. actor2. address3. afternoon4. age5. alarm clock6. answer7. apple8. art9. August10. auntB1. backpack2. bag3. ball4. banana5. band6. baseball7. basketball8. bat9. bed10. biology11. birth12. birthday13. blank14. book15. bookcase16. boy17. breakfast18. bring19. broccoli20. brother
2、21. busC1. card2. carrot3. case4. CD5. chair6. chess7. chicken8. China9. city10. class11. clerk12. clock13. clothes14. club15. collection16. color17. comedy18. computer19. contest20. conversation21. cousin22. creamD1. dad2. date3. daughter4. day5. December6. description7. desk8. dessert9. dictionary
3、10. dinner11. documentary12. dog13. dollar14. drawer15. dresser16. drumE1. egg2. e-mail3. English4. eraser5. evening6. example7. family8. father9. February10. festival11. floor12. food13. fries14. Friday15. friend16. fruit17. furniture18. game19. girl20. grandfather21. grandmother22. guitar23. hambu
4、rger24. hat25. history26. hobby27. homework28. hotel29. ice30. ice creamJ1. January2. job3. June4. JulyK1. key2. kid3. kindL1. letter2. life3. list4. lunchM1. March2. math3. May4. mom5. Monday6. month7. morning8. mother9. movie10. musicN1. name2. night3. notebook4. number5. NovemberO1. OctoberP1. pa
5、nts2. parent3. partner4. party5. pear6. pen7. pencil8. people9. phone10. photo11. pencil case12. pencil sharpener13. piano14. picture15. ping-pong16. plant17. plural18. priceR1. racket2. ring3. rock4. room5. ruler6. runnerS1. salad2. sale3. Saturday4. school5. science6. September7. shirt8. shoe9. sh
6、orts10. show11. shower12. singular13. sister14. skirt15. soccer16. sock17. sofa18. son19. sport20. speech21. star22. store23. strawberry24. student25. subject26. Sunday27. survey28. sweaterT1. table2. tape3. teacher4. teeth5. telephone6. telephone number7. tennis8. thing9. thriller10. time11. today1
7、2. tomato13. trip14. trumpet15. T-shirt16. Tuesday17. TVU1. uncleV1. vegetable2. video3. video tape4. violin5. volleyball6. volleyball gameW1. watch2. Wednesday3. weekend4. wish5. word6. workY1. year二、 形容词B1. best2. big3. black4. blue5. boring6. busyD1. dear2. difficultE1. every2. excitingF1. favori
8、te2. first3. fun(funny)G1. good2. great3. greenH1. happy2. healthyL1. last2. longM1. manyN1. new2. niceO1. oldR1. red2. relaxingS1. sad2. scary3. short4. small5. some6. sorry7. strict8. successfulT1. that2. these3. this4. tired5. thoseWA1. welcome2. white3. yellow三、 动词1. am2. afford3. are4. askB1. b
9、e2. bring3. brush4. buyC1. call2. comeD1. draw2. dance3. dose4. doE1. eat2. excuseF1. find2. foundG1. goH1. has2. have3. helpI1. isJ1. joinK1. knowL1. learn2. let3. like4. listen5. look6. lost7. loveM1. meetN1. needP1. paint2. playS1. see2. sell3. sing4. show5. sound6. speak7. spell8. start9. swimT1
10、. take2. tell3. thank4. thinkW1. want2. watch3. work4. write四、 副词A1. alsoB1. BestH1. here2. home3. howL1. lotN1. next2. no3. notO1. oclock2. often3. onlyR1. reallyS1. soonT1. then2. today3. tooU1. usuallyV1. veryW1. well2. when3. where4. whyY1. yes五、 冠词1. a2. an3. the六、 介词1. about2. at3. after4. bef
11、ore5. for6. in7. of8. on9. under10. with11. from12. to七、 代词1. all2. any3. some4. anybody5. anyone6. both7. something8. anything9. nothing10. each11. he12. himself13. her14. hers15. herself16. his17. I18. it19. little20. me21. more22. my23. mine24. our25. ours26. we27. us28. other29. myself30. oursel
12、ves31. she32. someone33. that34. them35. these36. they37. themselves38. this39. those40. what41. who42. you43. your44. yours45. yourself八、 连词1. after2. and3. because4. but5. or初中英语单词词性归类(七下)1. 名词A1. accessory2. activity3. airport4. animal5. apartment6. article7. assistant8. streetB1. bank2. bank cle
13、rk3. beach4. beard5. beef6. beginning7. belt8. bird9. bit10. bowl11. box12. bridge13. buildC1. cabbage2. camera3. camp4. captain5. cat6. center7. children8. classmate9. class10. corner11. country12. cultureD1. dining2. direction3. dislike4. district5. doctor6. dolphin7. drink8. dumplingE1. elephant2
14、. examF1. fact2. fashion3. fish4. form5. French6. front7. funG1. garden2. geography3. giraffe4. glasses5. grass6. green tea7. group8. guide9. gymH1. hair2. hall3. hallway4. heat5. height6. hospital7. host8. houseI1. ideaJ1. Japanese2. joke3. juiceK1. king2. koalaL1. language2. leaf3. left4. library5
15、. like6. lion7. lookM1. madam2. mail3. mall4. man5. map6. market7. meat8. menu9. money10. mountain11. Ms12. museum13. muttonN1. neighborhood2. news3. newspaper4. noodle5. nurseO1. office2. onion3. opinion4. orderP1. pal2. palace3. panda4. park5. pay phone6. pen pal7. penguin8. person9. place10. play
16、11. police12. police station13. pool14. pop15. porridge16. post17. potatoR1. reason2. report3. reporter4. restaurant5. rice6. right7. ruleS1. scarf2. sex3. shop assistant4. singer5. sir6. sitcom7. situation8. size9. skill10. snow11. soap12. soap opera13. song14. soup15. south16. special17. sports sh
17、oes18. square19. station20. story21. street22. suggestion23. summer24. summer camp25. sunglasses26. supermarketT1. talk2. taxi3. tea4. team5. test6. thief7. tiger8. tour9. toyU1. uniform2. unitV1. vacation2. verbW1. waiter2. walk3. wall4. wallet5. water6. way7. weather8. west9. winter10. worldY、Z1.y
18、esterday2. zoo二、形容词A1. awfulB1. bad2. beautiful3. blonde4. brownC1. central2. cheap3. clean4. clever5. cloudy6. cold7. colorful8. cool9. crowded10. curly11. cuteD1. dangerous2. delicious3. dirtyE1. expensive2. elseF1. fantastic2. following3. friendlyG1. good-lookingH1. heavy2. hot3. humid4. hungryI1
19、. international2. irregularL1. large2. lazyM1. middle2. medium3. mostN1. noO1. open2. otherP1. past2. presentQ1. quietR1. rainy2. regular3. relaxedS1. shy2. smart3. sunnyT1. tall2. terrible3. thinU1. ugly2. unfriendlyW1. warm2. windyY1. young三、动词A1. agree2. arriveC1. cook2. cryD1. decide2. describe3
20、. did4. discuss5. dislikeE1. enjoyF1. feel2. fightG1. get2. give3. go for a walk4. go shoppingH1. had2. have3. hopeI1. improveL1. lay2. live3. look forM1. made2. make3. mindO1. orderP1. pass2. pay3. practice4. putR1. rain2. read3. relax4. rememberS1. said2. sat3. saw4. say5. sit6. sleep7. snow8. spe
21、nd9. stand10. star11. stay12. stop13. studyT1. take2. take a photo3. take a walk4. talk5. talk about6. teach7. turnV1. visitW1. wait2. wait for3. walk4. wash5. wear6. went7. were8. would9. wrote四、副词A1. always1. backD1. downE1. elseH1. hardJ1. justL1. late2. later3. left4. loudlyN1. never2. nowO1. ou
22、tside2. outP1. prettyR1. really2. rightS1. sometimes2. straight3. sure五、介词1. across2. as3. at4. behind5. between6. by7. down8. during9. in10. near11. next12. on13. through六、连词1. if初中英语单词词性归类(八上)一、名词A1. according2. achievement3. act4. advice5. amount6. aquarium7. arm8. artist9. Asia10. athlete11. aut
23、ographB1. back2. balance3. band4. bargain5. bicycle6. bike7. blender8. boat9. body10. bread11. brown bread12. butterC1. calendar2. camel3. car4. champion5. championship6. cheese7. chemistry8. chip9. chocolate10. chore11. cinema12. clothing13. coffee14. cola15. competition16. concert17. countryside18
24、. cow19. cup20. curryD1. day off2. deli3. dentist4. diet5. difference6. dinner7. dish8. distance9. DJ10. dream11. drive12. duck13. DVDE1. ear2. end3. engineer4. Europe5. exchange6. exercise7. exhibitionF1. fax2. fever3. fishing4. foot5. friendship6. futureG1. gift2. gold3. golfer4. grade5. grandpa6.
25、 grandson7. Greece8. gymnastH1. habit2. hand3. head4. headache5. health6. hen7. herb8. honey9. host familyI1. ice skating2. illness3. information4. ingredient5. instruction6. instrument7. interest8. Internet9. interview10. invite11. ItalyJ1. jazz2. jeans3. junk4. junk foodK1. kilometerL1. lady2. lak
26、e(Lakers:Kobe Bryant)3. laundry4. leader5. leg6. lesson7. lettuce8. lifestyle9. living room10. Los Angeles(洛杉矶)M1. management2. match3. matter4. meal5. means6. medicine7. meeting8. mile9. milk10. milk shake11. minute12. moment13. monitor14. mouthN1. nature2. neck3. nose4. note5. numberO1. octopusP1.
27、 pancake2. part3. passenger4. performer5. physics6. pianist7. pilot8. plan9. player10. Poland11. popcorn12. popper13. postcard14. primary school15. prize16. problem17. program18. programmer19. project20. provinceQ1. qualityR1. radio2. rain3. raincoat4. rat5. reader6. recipe7. record8. relish9. resol
28、ution10. result11. riverS1. salt2. sandwich3. sauce4. schoolwork5. screen6. sea7. seal8. service9. shake10. shark11. sightseeing12. single13. slice14. snack15. souvenir16. stomach17. stomachache18. stop19. subway20. success21. talent22. teaspoon23. teen24. teenager25. the day after tomorrow26. theat
29、er27. throat28. time29. tofu30. tomorrow31. tooth32. toothache33. top34. tourist35. town36. train37. training38. transportation39. trash40. turkey41. twinUV1. umbrella2. university3. view4. violinist5. visitorWY1. watermelon2. way3. weekday4. wheel5. woman6. yard7. yuck二、形容词A1. a few2. a lot3. a lot
30、 of4. active5. alive6. America7. angry8. another9. athleticBC1. balanced2. better3. calm4. central5. close6. comfortable7. creativeDE1. different2. dull3. early4. easy5. enough6. excitedF、I、K1. famous2. far3. farthest4. fast5. few6. fit7. foreign8. funky9. kindLM1. less2. loud3. lovely4. loving5. mo
31、reN1. national2. near3. necessary4. negative5. north6. northernO1. off2. opposite3. outdoor4. outgoing5. outstandingP1. part-time2. positive3. primary4. professionalRS1. rich2. safe3. same4. serious5. sick6. southern7. superT1. talented2. thirsty3. traditional4. trendy5. twinUW1. unhealthy2. unusual
32、3. weak4. well-known5. western6. wet7. whole8. wild9. worse10. worst三、动词AW1. act2. add3. babysit4. beat5. become6. begin7. believe8. boil9. born10. borrow11. build12. call13. camp14. care15. check16. communicate17. could18. cut19. depend20. drink21. exercise22. feed23. finish24. fold25. forget26. go
33、lf27. grow28. hang29. hate30. have31. hear32. hiccup33. hike34. hold35. hum36. invite37. keep38. laugh39. lay40. leave41. major42. make43. mean44. mix45. move46. must47. peel48. perform49. pour50. rent51. rest52. retire53. ride54. roll55. save56. send57. send58. should59. shower60. skate61. skateboa
34、rd62. sneeze63. stay64. stress65. surf66. sweep67. take68. tour69. travel70. try71. use72. win73. worry四、副词AU1. about2. again3. ago4. as5. away6. early7. ever8. finally9. hardly10. however11. luckily12. maybe13. much14. once15. over16. seriously17. so18. somewhere19. still20. though21. together22. u
35、p五、介词和连词1. for2. into3. without4. although5. than6. until初中英语单词词性归类(八下)一、 名词A1. accident2. adult3. advantage4. agent5. album6. alien7. amusement8. area9. argue10. Asian11. attendant12. attractions13. Australian14. autumnB1. baby2. barber3. barber shop4. bathroom5. bedroom6. behavior7. Beijinger8. be
36、ll9. bench10. board11. bookstore12. border13. buildingC 1. cakecakedingens2. capital3. chance4. character5. charity6. child7. Chinese Young Pioneer8. cigarette9. clean-up10. coin11. collector12. comment13. company14. consequence15. cruiseD1.1. danger2. dark3. daytime4. decision5. disadvantage6. door
37、7. dormitoryE1. earth2. earthquake3. elevator4. emperor5. envelope6. environment7. equator8. Erhu9. etiquette10. European11. experienceF1. factory2. fan3. fiction4. film5. flight6. flower7. football8. foreigner9. fox10. freedomG1. globe2. graduate3. guide4. guyH1. haircut2. hamster3. hero4. holiday5
38、. hometown6. housework7. human8. husbandI1. influence2. interview3. islandJ1.JewK1. kitchen2. kiteL1. lawyer2. line3. litterM1. marathon2. meaning3. message4. meter5. monster6. moon7. mouse8. murderN1. noon2. noteP1. pair2. paper3. parrot4. pet5. pig6. plane7. playground8. pollution9. population10.
39、poster11. prediction12. present13. pressure14. progress15. public16. PutonghuaQ1. quarterR1. rabbit2. rating3. report card4. requirement5. review6. robot7. rocket8. roller coaster9. route10. RussianS1. scientist2. season3. semester4. shape5. shell6. silence7. skate8. skater9. snake10. solution11. so
40、und12. southeast13. space14. space station15. spider16. spokesperson17. spring18. stage19. stamp20. start21. statement22. strategy23. style24. subtitle25. suitT1. task2. temperature3. term4. terrorist5. the World Cup6. theme7. thousand8. ticket9. tonight10. toothbrush11. topic12. traffic13. train st
41、ation14. tree15. turtle16. tutor17. typeV1. village2. voice3. volunteerW1. waitress2. window3. winner4. writerY1. yard二、形容词AW1. able2. amazing3. annoyed4. Asian5. asleep6. awake7. bored8. brave9. bright10. careful11. certain12. common13. crazy14. disappointing15. either16. electric17. European18. ex
42、cellent19. extra20. fat21. fewer22. following23. hard-working24. huge25. impossible26. in style27. Indian28. injured29. instead30. interested31. Jewish32. low33. lucky34. mad35. modern36. modest37. native38. natural39. neither40. nervous41. normal42. okay43. organized44. original45. own46. perfect47
43、. personal48. polite49. poor50. possible51. pot-bellied52. pushy53. recent54. rural55. Russian56. sandy57. scared58. several59. simple60. special61. strange62. such63. thin64. true65. unpleasant66. upset67. wonderful68. wrong三、动词AW1. allow2. annoy3. argue4. ate5. bake6. became7. been8. behave9. boug
44、ht10. break11. brought12. came13. choose14. climb15. close16. collect17. compare18. complain19. copy20. cost21. cough22. could23. criticize24. cross25. destroy26. discover27. dress28. drive29. drop30. encourage31. enter32. explain33. fail34. fall35. fear36. fell37. fit38. flew39. fly40. follow41. ga
45、ve42. given43. got44. happen45. heard46. imagine47. include48. jump49. kid50. kill51. land52. made53. mention54. met55. miss56. murder57. organize58. pick59. play60. predict61. push62. raise63. ran64. rang65. receive66. return67. rode68. sang69. seem70. seen71. send72. shout73. smoke74. sneeze75. st
46、ore76. suggest77. suppose78. surprise79. thought80. told81. took82. wake83. will84. wrote四、副词AS1. alone2. already3. anymore4. casually5. clearly6. either7. especially8. even9. everywhere10. fortunately11. instead12. later13. nearly14. neither15. particularly16. perhaps17. politely18. probably19. qui
47、te20. simply21. sincerely五、介词和连词1. against2. except3. since4. until5. whenever6. whileUnit 1 my pron. 我的 name n. 名字 is v. 是 name's = name is 名字是 clock n. 钟 I pron. 我的 am v. 是 I'm = I am 我是 nice adj. 好的;令人愉快的 to part. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式 meet v. 遇见;相逢 you pron. 你;你们 what pron. & adj. 什么 what
48、's = what is 是什么 your pron. 你的;你们的 hello interj. (表示问候)喂 hi interj. (表示问候)嗨 his pron. 他的 and conj. 和;又;而且 her pron. 她的 question n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 look v. 看;望;看起来 first adj. 第一的 first name 名字 last adj. 最后的;上一个的 last name 姓氏 boy n. 男孩 girl n. 女孩 zero num. 零 one num. 一 two num. 二 th
49、ree num. 三 four num. 四 five num. 五 six num. 六 seven num. 七 eight num. 八 nine num. 九 telephone n. 电话 number n. 数;数字 telephone number 电话号码 phone n. 电话 phone number 电话号码 it pron. 它 it's = it is 它是 card n. 卡;卡片 ID card 身份证 family n. 家;家庭 family name 姓氏 Unit 2 this pron. & adj. 这;这个 pencil n
50、. 铅笔 pen n. 钢笔 book n. 书 eraser n. 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦 ruler n. 尺;直尺 case n. 箱;盒;橱 pencil case 铅笔盒;文具盒 backpack n. 双肩背包 pencil sharpener 卷笔刀;铅笔刀 dictionary n. 字典;词典 that pron. & adj. 那;那个 yes adv. (表示肯定)是 no adv. (表示否定)不;不是 not adv. (构成否定形式)不是 isn't = is not 不是 excuse v. 原谅;宽恕 excuse me 请原谅(客套语,用于与陌生
51、人搭话、打断别人说话等场合) thank v. 感谢 OK interj. 好;不错 in prep. 用(表示方法,媒介,工具等) English n. 英语;英文 a art. 一个(只,把,台) how adv. (指程度)多么;何等;怎样 do v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词 spell v. 拼写 baseball n. 棒球 watch n. 手表 computer n. 电脑;电子计算机 game n. 游戏 computer game 电子游戏 key n. 钥匙 notebook n. 笔记本 ring n. 环;戒指 call v. 打电话 at prep. 在(里面或附近);在(点、刻);以 in prep. 在里面 the art. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体 lost v. 遗失 found v. 找回 lost and found 失物招领 please interj. (祈使句中用作请求
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