4、7/31)和56.25%(9/16),差异有统计学意义。结论:1.颅内动脉瘤的病理学改变主要是内弹力层几乎全部消失,平滑肌萎缩,平滑肌细胞大量减少,外膜层较薄,瘤壁各层均可见到不同程度的炎性细胞浸润,主要为巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞。2. MMP-2、MMP-9及TIMP-1在颅内动脉瘤瘤壁各层均有表达,颅内动脉瘤中MMP-2、MMP-9、TIMP-1表达明显增高。3.MMP-2、MMP-9与TIMP-1与颅内动脉瘤密切相关,可能是MMPs与TIMPs共同维系的细胞外基质新陈代谢的动态平衡发生失衡与颅内动脉瘤的发生密切相关,具体机制有待今后进一步的研究。【英文摘要】:To examine the ex
5、pression of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (MMP-2)、matrix metalloproteinases-9 (MMP-9) and Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor-1 (TIMP-1) in intracranial aneurysms and compare them with those exp ressed in normal brain vessels tissue. To hope to obtain useful informations for better understanding of the
6、 pathogenesis of intracranial aneurysms.Methods:Thirty-one surgical specimens of human cerebal aneurysm in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University during Oct,2009 to July,2010 were choosen.All specimens were got from dissecting after clinpping the aneurysm in craniotomy.Including 13 of
7、cases anterior communicating aneurysms,8 cases of middle cerebral artery aneurysms,6 cases of posterior communicating aneurysms,2 cases Aneurysm of vertebral artery,2 cases of anterior cerebral artery aneurysms.Sixteen control specimens including 7 cases of superficial temporal artery,4 cases of mid
8、dle meningeal artery, and 5 cases of pial artery.These specimens came from hematoma removal and internal decompression.To observe the expression of MMP-2,MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in human cerebral aneurysm with immunohistochemical method.Results:1.Naked eyes observation:The aneurysms look like berry before
9、clipping.Most specimens were dark brown、dark red and gray.There were thrombosis in some cavities of the aneurysms. Calcification could be seen in some of the aneurysms specimens.The wall of the aneurysms were various,the top were thinner than the basilar part.Most aneurysms were made of thin fibrous
10、 tissue.texture were various,some were soft.and some were stiff.2.HE staining:It is difficult to distinguish the tunica interna、the tunica media and the tunica externa.The three-layered structure of normal brain artery wall were lost. Internal elastic layer almost disappeared,and endothelial cell we
11、re reduced, thrombosis and part organization could be seen.The normal structure of tunica media layer were disapeared. smooth muscle atrophied and smooth muscle cell were reduced even disapeared.were filled with fibrous tissue,and the fibrous tissue arrange disord. Tunica externa layer were thin, ma
12、inly fibrous tissue, no external elastic layer. Inflammatory cell infiltrate could be seen in every layer of the aneurysms wall, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes.The aneurysmal wall showed atherosclerosis-like changes, lipidoses could be seen in the cell,mainly in the tunica interna and tunica med
13、ia.3.The immunhistochemistry staining:The high expression of MMP-2, MMP -9 in human cerebal aneurysmal walls,were 87.10%(27/31) and 80.65% (25/31),MMP-2、MMP-9 expressed in tunica interna、tunica media and tunica externa.But no erpression of MMP-2、MMP-9 in control group, indicating the statistical sig
14、nificance.The positive rate of TIMP-1 in human cerebal aneurismal walls and control group were 87.10%(27/31) and 56.25%(9/16), indicating the statistical significance.Conclusions:1.The pathological changes of intracranial aneurysms mainly internal elastic layer almost disappeared,and endothelial cel
15、l were reduced and Tunica externa layer were thin. Inflammatory cell infiltrate could be seen in every layer of the aneurysms wall. Mainly macrophages and lymphocytes.2.The high expression of MMP-2,MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in human cerebal aneurismal walls,they express in every layer.3.MMP-2,MMP-9 and TIMP-
16、1 were closely related with intracranial aneurysms, maybe MMPs and TIMP common to maintain the homeostasis of extracellular matrix metabolism occurrence imbalance were closely to related intracranial aneurysm. Specific mechanism needs further research.【关键词】颅内动脉瘤 基质金属蛋白酶 基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂【英文关键词】intracranial
17、 aneurysms matrix metalloproteinases tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases【目录】MMP-2、MMP-9及TIMP-1在颅内动脉瘤中的表达及意义 摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-7 主要英文缩写词索引 9-10 第1章 前言 10-12 第2章 材料与方法 12-15 2.1 实验材料 12-13 2.1.1 标本选择 12 2.1.2 主要仪器 12 2.1.3 主要试剂 12-13 2.2 方法与步骤 13-14 2.2.1 石蜡包埋固定 13 2.2.2 石蜡标本切片 13 2.2.3 HE染色 13-14 2.2.4 免疫组化染色 14 2.3 结果判定标准 14 2.4 统计学分析 14-15 第3章 结果 15-19 3.1. 肉眼观察 15 3.2. HE染色 15 3.3. MMP-2、MMP-9、TIMP-1在颅内动脉瘤和正常动脉中的表达比较 15-19 第4章 讨论 19-22 第5章 结论 22-23 致谢 23-24 参考文献 24-27 附图 27-32 攻读学位期间的研究成果 32-33 综述 33-39 参考文献 37-39
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