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1、全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项中餐宴会摆台项目英语口试参考题库Part one 句子 :中译英 :1. 共有几位客人?译 :How many people are there in your party?2. 我们已经为您预订一张6 点半的餐台。译 :We have reserved a table for you at 6:30.3. 请问您在我们餐厅有预订吗 ?译 :Do you have a reservation with us?4. 早餐的供应时间是7 点到 9 点。译 :Breakfast will be served from 7:00 to 9:00.5. 对不起 ,

2、这张桌子已经有客人预订了。译 :Sorry, this table has been reserved.6. 请问您有什么特殊要求?译 :Do you have any special needs?译 :How about a seat in the corner?8. 这张桌子可以吗?译 :Will this table be all right for you?9. 包间已经准备好了, 先生。译 :The private room is ready now, sir.10. 您是要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区 ?译 :Would you like smoking area or non-smoki

3、ng area?11. 包间的最低消费是800元。译 :For a private room, there is a minimum charge of 800 Yuan.12. 请您在休息室里稍等一下 , 一有桌子我们就会安排您入座。ll seat译 :Could you wait for a moment in the lounge, please?We you as soon as we have a table.13. 先生 , 您的桌子已经准备好了。请随我来。译 :Your table is ready now, sir. Please come with me.14. 这是菜单 ,

4、 服务员随后就到。译 :Here is the menu. The waiter will be with you in a moment.译 :Here is the menu and the wine list.16. 请问您现在可以点菜了吗 ?1译 :Are you ready to order now?17. 中国有四大菜系 , 分别是川菜, 粤菜 , 鲁菜和江浙菜。译 :In China, there are four major cuisines that is Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine.18

5、. 这是您的账单, 请您过目。译 :Her e s your bill. Please check it.19. 广东菜比较清淡而川菜的口味就比较重。译 :Guangdong cuisine is light while Sichuan cuisine tastes strong.20. 您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?译 :Would you like to try our specialty?21. 我们的大厨很棒。译 :We have an excellent chef.22. 我这就去和厨师商量。译 :I ll speak with the chef right away.译 :Roast d

6、uck may take half an hour.24. 你想喝点儿什么 , 先生 ?译 :What would you like to drink, sir?25. 请签上您的姓名和房间号码。译 :Please sign your name and room number here.26. 干白葡萄酒是按瓶卖的。译 :The dry white wine is sold by bottle.27. 你们有什么牌子的啤酒?译 :What brands of beer do you have?28. 如果您还有其他需要, 请您随时告诉我们。我们很乐意为您效劳。译 :Ifyou like to

7、have something else, just feel free to ask. We are always at your service.29. 您点的菜上齐了。请慢用。译 :That s everything your ordered. Please enjoy your meal.30. 恐怕您点的菜太多了。译 :I m af raid you have ordered too much.译 :May I take your plate, please?32. 您还要再添米饭吗 ?译 :Would you like some more rice?33. 您想要点开胃菜或汤吗 ?译

8、 :Would you like an appetizer or soup?34. 您想要什么主菜呢 ?译 :What would you like for the main course?35. 您要一瓶红葡萄酒配牛排吗 ?译 :Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your steak?36. 先生 , 这是您的牛排, 请慢用。译 :Excuse me, sir. Here s your steak. Please enjoy it.37. 很抱歉 , 请多等一会。我们会尽快给您上菜。ll bring译 :I m really sor

9、ry. Please wait a few more minutes. I the food to you as soon as possible.38. 您的菜上齐了 , 甜点稍后上。译 :This is a complete course. There is the dessert follow.译 :I d like a glass of whisky on the rocks.40. 先生 , 您总共消费 856 元。译 :It comes to 856 Yuan, sir.41. 牛排做得太老了。译 :The steak is as tough as leather.42. 非常抱歉

10、 , 还有什么可以为您效劳吗 ?译 :I do apologize. Is there anything else I can do for you?43. 请问您要如何付账?译 :How would you like to pay?44. 是现金付账, 还是信用卡付账?译 :Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?45. 是一起买单还是分开买单呢 ?译 :Would you like to pay one bill or separate bills?英译中 :1. We are looking forward to serving y

11、ou.译 : 我们期待着您的光临。2. I want a table with a view of the river.译 : 我想要张能看见江景的餐台。3. How late do you stay open?译 : 你们几点打烊?4. I m sorry, sir. There s no vacant table for the moment.译 : 先生 , 很抱歉。现在没有空位了。5. I m sorry, sir. There aren t any tables left for 7 this evening.译 : 抱歉 , 先生。今晚七点没有空位了。6. I m afrai d

12、that we ca n only guarantee a table before 8:00 this evening. 译 : 恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上八点。7. We ll give you a 20% discount.译 : 我们给您八折优惠8. In whose name was the reservation made?译 : 请问以谁的名义预订的 ?9. Would you come this way please?译 : 请您这边走。10. This table is too close to the kitchen. Can we move to another ta

13、ble? 译 : 这张桌子离厨房太近了 , 我们能换一张吗 ?11. Our restaurant is full now. We might be able to seat you in 20 minutes. 译 : 我们餐厅现在没有空位了。大约 20 分钟后我们可以安排您入座。12. Here s th e menu. Please take your time and a waiter will come to take your order.译 : 这是菜单。请您慢慢看, 待会儿服务员会来帮您写菜单。 13. We d likea variety of typical Chinese

14、 foods.译 : 我们想要点几个中国特色菜。14. Please arrange a 500 Y uan menu for the five of us.译 : 请给我们五个人准备500元的菜单。15. What are your specialties?译 : 你们的特色菜是什么 ?16. The characteristics of Sichuan food are its strong local flavor,which is spicy and hot.译 : 川菜的特点是有很浓郁的地方风味, 即麻辣。17. What kind of cold dishes have you g

15、ot?译 : 你们这有什么凉菜 ?18. I m terribly sorry. The dish will be replaced immed iately.译 : 非常抱歉。这就给您把这道菜换掉。19. You can choose some snacks from the trolley.译 : 您可以在手推车里选些小吃。20. The specialty of Sweet and Sour Pork is crispy.译 : 糖醋里脊的特点是酥脆。21. I m afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant. May I rec

16、ommend something else?译 : 恐怕我们餐厅没有这道菜。我能给您推荐点别的吗 ?22. How would you like your prawn prepared?译 : 您的虾准备怎么做呢 ?23. I would like to suggest steaming the fish to remain its freshness.译 : 我建议您蒸着吃以保持鱼的新鲜。24. May I recommend sauteed shrimp with green peas?译 : 我向您推荐青豆炒虾仁, 好吗 ?25. Our restaurant specializes i

17、n Guangdong cuisine.译 : 我们餐厅的特点是以广东菜为主。26. May I repeat your order back to you, sir?27. Please rush our orders as we are in a hurry.译 : 我们赶时间 , 请催一下我们的菜。28. Would you like anything else?译 : 请问还需要别的吗 ?29. Would you like buffet or a la carte?译 : 请问您要吃自助餐还是点餐?30. May I recommend the chef s salad?译 : 我推

18、荐厨师色拉。31. How would you like the steak? Medium, medium well or well-done? 译 : 请问您的牛排需要半熟、七分熟、还是全熟?32. What would you like to go with your steak?译 : 您的牛排配什么菜呢 ?33. Would you like some desserts?译 : 您需要上甜点吗?34. Would you like to try our special drinks?译 : 您想尝尝我们的特饮吗 ?35. I d like to try some Chinese sp

19、irits.: 我想尝下中国的白酒。36. Cocktails are available, such as Martini, Manhattan, Gin & Tonic. Which do you prefer?: 我们有各种鸡尾酒, 如 : 马丁尼、曼哈顿、杜松子酒。您要哪种 ?37. Straight up or on the rocks?: 加不加冰 ?38. May I open the bottle for you now?: 我现在帮您把瓶子打开好吗 ?39. A 10% service charge has been added to the total.: 总费用中

20、加收了10%的服务费。40. Sorry, I ll make it clear and inform you as soon as possible.: 对不起 , 我去弄清楚并尽快告诉您。41. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.: 感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意.42. Go along the corridor and the restroom is on your left.: 顺着走廊走, 洗手间在您的左手边。s desk.43. Please pay the bill at the cashier译 : 请在收银台结账。44. Could you please sign here, sir?继续阅读


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