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1、读后续写Continuation Writing目录contents01 要求说明,心中有数02 真题回顾,文本分析03 段首提示,确定思路04信息整理,罗列要点05 范文欣赏,润色提升01要求说明,心中有数01要求说明字数续写内容为150词左右材料350词以内要求续写两段,每段的开头语已经给出体裁记叙文故事类逻辑性较强01写作要求融洽度高衔接合理语法&词汇丰富&准确结构紧凑02真题回顾,文本分析02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 As the graduation ceremonys class speaker, Verda Tetteh, a senio

2、r at Fitchburg High School, had just finished her speech and taken a seat when the school made an exciting announcement that Verda had been awarded Fitchburg High schools General Excellence Scholarship, valued at $40,000. She had a few moments to reflect as the ceremony continued. Ten minutes later,

3、 she knew what to do. She returned to the platform and apologized for interrupting. Then she made an announcement that shocked the crowd. She refused the scholarship and requested that the funds instead be awarded to a student who needed it more than she did.02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 “I am

4、 very grateful for this, but I also know that I am not the one who needs this the most,” Verda said.Para1-2 故事情节已很清晰:毕业典礼上Verda作为学生代表讲完话入座,这时母校宣布Verda荣获本校卓越奖学金(4万美金)。可是她当场做了一个出乎所有人意料的决定,她重新回到主席台,宣布自己要把这笔奖金让给比她更需要这笔钱的学生。02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 Her generous gesture shocked the audience, ma

5、de up of her fellow classmates, their families and faculty (全体教员) members. Her mother, Rosemary, loudly cheered her daughter on from the audience.Para3 观众都被她这一举动震惊了。她的母亲(Rosemary)在观众席为女儿大声欢呼。(表明母亲的态度是非常支持的。)02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 Verda is planning on going to Harvard University in the f

6、all as a pre-med (医学院预科的) student. The straight-A honor student has already been awarded a full scholarship for her Ivy League college education. However, she could have used her schools scholarship to help pay for additional expenses such as books, computers and living expenses.Para4 成绩全优的Verda打算去哈

7、佛,这位优等生也已经获得了常春藤盟校的全额奖学金。即便如此,家庭并不富裕的她本可以利用母校给的这笔奖学金来支付书本费、电脑费和生活费等额外费用的。(自己不是不需要钱,但仍然做出了这个无私的决定,去帮助别人。)02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 Verda knew, though, just how important a college scholarship is to a student whose family is financially struggling. Her mother earned her bachelors degree from

8、 a local community college at age 47, while raising her four children and holding down two jobs to support her family. Her mothers determination to get an education despite her financial hardship inspired the young womans selfless decision. She wanted the funds to go to a student pursuing a communit

9、y college degree, just as her mother once had. Para5 母亲47岁带着四个孩子,打两份工,坚持考社区大学的经历,让Verda明白奖学金对于一个家庭困难的学生来说,是多么重要。正是母亲困境求学,重视教育的决心激发了她,让她做出了这个无私的决定。(深受母亲的影响,两方面,一个是对教育的重视,一个是爱心激发,要去帮助困难中求学的人。)02Thorough reading提炼原文情节,解读有效信息原文信息 That day, Rosemary took pride in her daughter. “Now Im 100% sure she is re

10、ady to go into the world on her own,” she said.Para5 母亲为女儿骄傲,确信女儿是真的长大了。03段首提示,确定思路优秀课件PPT公开课优质课PPT课件读后续写(以浙江高考题为例)(共25张PPT)03续写段落提示语解析,确定写作思路提示语一:Verda also admired her mother and kept in mind what her mother taught her. _ 解析:意思是“Verda也很钦佩母亲,并且牢记母亲的教诲。”那么,母亲有什么值得钦佩的地方?又教给了她什么?母亲说过什么,做过什么,是怎样影响Verda

11、的。因此,这一段就要围绕“What exactly did her mother teach her?”来写,把母亲重视教育的思想(教育可以改变命运,可以争取更多人生机会等),要去帮助有困难的人的思想都包含进来。03续写段落提示语解析,确定写作思路提示语二:The young woman expressed no regrets over her decision to give away the money. _ 解析:意思是“年轻的Verda说自己捐出这笔钱,一点儿也不后悔。”这段的主体不再是母亲,而是“the young woman”,也就是Verda, 那么,她捐出这笔钱之后,内心是怎

12、么想的,又说了什么(What did Verda say about it?) 她对未来有哪些期许?我们要把结尾升华为一种正能量的传递,一个温情的结局。要揭示文章主旨,挖掘深度思想。04信息整理,罗列要点04信息整理,列出写作要点tip3tip1tip2写作体裁:夹叙夹议写作时态:一般过去时写作篇幅:每段平均75个词,大概6句话tip4写作时间:25-28分钟04写作要点Verdas mother always stressed to her the importance of having an education.1. 母亲总是对Verda强调教育的重要性。emphasized the i

13、mportant role ofplaced emphasis onattached great significance tohighlighted the value of04写作要点2. Verda常被教导,教育能给她提供更好的机会。Verda was taught that education could provide her with better chances.offer her better opportunitiesbring her a better chance04写作要点3. 母亲教导她,她应该为自己树立目标,并尽最大努力去实现它。Her mother taught

14、her that / She was taught thatshe should set up/build up/establish a goal for herself and try her best to pursue/seek/achieve it.04写作要点4.另外,还要有一颗善良的心,帮助那些需要帮助的人。In addition/Moreover/Whats more/Besides/Furthermore(表示递进或补充的过度词)she should have a kind heart, and help those who needed help/in need.04写作要点

15、5. 她自强不息,努力实现自己的梦想,并去帮助尽可能多的人。She strived to achieve her dreams and help as many people as possible.struggled to realizeworked hard to make her dream come true04写作要点6.她很高兴看到这些钱可以帮助那些需要帮助的人。She was happy to see the money could help those who needed help.was excited/glad to seeIt delighted her that04写

16、作要点7. 她希望她所做的能改变他们的生活。She hoped/wished/expected that the things that she did could change their life.what she did(主语从句)04写作要点8.她很感激母亲支持她的决定。She was thankful to her mother for supporting her decision.was grateful that her mother supported her decision.She really appreciated that04写作要点9. 校长对他的学生赞不绝口,认

17、为Verda将是一位伟大的女性。The headmaster had high praise for his student and thought Verda would be a great woman.The headmaster spoke highly ofThe headmaster praisedVerda won high praise from05范文欣赏,润色提升Verda also admired her mother and kept in mind what her mother taught her. Her mother always impressed the

18、importance of having an education on her daughter. Verda was taught that education would offer her better opportunities. Her mother taught her that she should set up a goal for herself and try her best to seek it. In addition, she ought to have a kind heart and help those who need help. She never fo

19、rgot the valuable life lessons. She struggled to work hard to achieve her dream and help more people as possible.05范文赏析para1The young woman expressed no regrets over her decision to give away the money. She said that she was excited to see the money could help those who needed help. And she wished t

20、hat what she did could change their life. She said she was thankful that her mother could support her decision. She was happy that faced with the money, she had the strength to do that. She would finish her education on her own efforts. The headmaster had high praise for his student and thought Verda would be a woman who was going to change the world.05范文赏析para2Thank You!考试必胜!


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