1、B with compressed air .C “make an engineready for starting ” .B Bedplate .C Flyweights .A Doors .A An automatic .A Both/and .C Lube oil .C Scavenging .D The fresh water .A Hot bearing .A Misalignment .A At the top .D Aluminum .A The watch keepingpersonnel .A At the beginning of the compression strok
2、e . A The higher/the more .B A fuel injectionpump .C Regulating .C The sounding rod .B A head tank .B An alarm .D The domesticsystem .C Telescopic pipes .A Diffusers .A Grooves .D The frames .A Constantinspection .D Heat energy .B A centrifuge .C The gudgeon pin . A A variable pitch propeller .D An
3、air distributor .B The alkalinity/the detergency .D A priming .D In addition to .B Among/the mostcommonly .A Distilled .B The drive .D No matter .A The bedplate .D Themovement .pistonA Largevessels .passengerC An air distributor .D Excessive .D gas forces . D compressed/to . C oil leakage . oil leak
4、age .CD all of the above . D spark plug .C compression plate . C compression ratio . C compression ratio . A fuel supply .D circlips 弹性挡圈 . A starting .C a fusible plug .B a leaking air startvalve .B give the contents .B reducing friction . D bearing caps .B cylinder block .B an increase .B to limit
5、 .C from, to .A piston skirt .B up of .B 300 tons of 180 cstfuel oil .C thetemperature .workingC the pulse system .A strength .B form .A the clearance of the main bearing .D communication and language skills .C tie rods .C the entablature .C turning .C nip .A to grease . D open air .C take out .A Fi
6、nished withEngine .D the highest point .A the running-inperiod .D being rounded . D the main bearings . A higher .C top .D thermal expansion .A manoeuvringoperations .A a reduction .BAopening .cutting power offthe engine .B heat .A fouling turbine .C is pressurized .A 6 .D the scavengingbox .B turni
7、ng gear .D bearing wear .A the column .D foundation .B a brief trial onpower .B warmed upgradually to appropriatetemperature .D water andresiduals .C the cylinderlubricators .A free .D tolerance .D within .A pumped up .C the cylinderlubricators .D leakage .C the cams are not properly set .A diameter
8、s ofjournals .C both of the above .A caulked into .B fresh air .B ready for .C mechanicalefficiency .A the air receivers .D All the above aretrue .D acid corrosion .A to retain .C engine .D circulating .B passages .C result .A result from .B unequal heating . C almost invariablysolid forged .B a pis
9、ton skirt .D jacket cooling .D fresh water .C compressed air .C compressed air .D fuel valves .A clogged filters .B purified .B columns .A reciprocating .A overhaul .D sealed off .C to prevent .C downwards .A TDC .C crankpin .C spring force .C cylinder cover .B can be replacedwhen worn out .D DB rid
10、ging .scraper rings .a high smokyexhaust .C galvanized .A the latter .B friction .A turning gear .A timing .A timing .D the reading at therack .D loss of pressure inthe lubricating system .B (1)+(3) .D air .D None of the above is wrong .D fuel injectionpumps .B the cylinder cover .C BDC .B open air
11、.B a sump .A after TDC .D before BDC .B before TDC .C after BDC .C crankcase door .D the crankcase door .A combustion .A cylinder covers . D water in the fueloil .A the heatcompressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinder .B governor .B four to six months . D an injection system .D the fuel pump . D a fa
12、ilure of fuel pump .A a transfer pump . D having much to do with .D the reading at the rack .B maximum .B motion .D the piston bosses . C the piston bosses . A turning gear .D air .A excessive heat .C density .A many thousandtimes .B indicator diagrams . B coolant .D temperature .B replaced .B has t
13、o standinoperative .C the starting airvalves stuck .D the turning gear still engaged .D turning gear being still on .A the crankcaseexplosion .C time of injectionwill change .D level .A decrease .A pressure charged .A fresh water .D lower temperature fresh water .B a settling tank .B oil .B obtain c
14、ompleteburning .A half the enginerotational speed .A oil .A just below thecrankcase .AAA C D C A DCds .bowl periphery . the bowl periphery .a settling tank . tanks . additives . gudgeon pin . drilled passage .downwards/upwarhalf the enginespeed .A oil .B before TDC . D before BDC .D the exhaust valv
15、e .B the fuel valves .C the piston .Apump .reciprocatingC detergency .D has to bepreheated .A must be provided . D chromium-plated . C lifted out .D piston ring belt . B pulse .D hot gases .C two revolutions . D piston ring area . B through an inletvalve .B density .A it is dirty .A viscosity .A wat
16、er dischargesfrom the indicatorcocks .A not be changed .C not greater twicethan .Doil .CBCDCCBAAto analyze the lubeconstantly .scale .scale . respectively . be scavenged . be scavenged . prevent .well ventilated . cylinder liners andpiston rings .D (1), (2) and (3) .A a worn cylinder .C either A or
17、B .C crankcase .D journal . B of trunk type .pistonA the clearance of the main bearing .A the clearance of theCmainAABbearing . make use of . make use of . scavenging . whenever .B the piston rings .D higher than / cannotenter .B more .D an injectionsystem .C connecting rod .C turbine .B the flange
18、.A cooling jacket .B should the trunking be opened up .B should be slowed down .D to minimize .B the starting air .D start valve .D different from .D excessive clearance of piston pin .B D DAreassembled . aluminum alloy . aluminum alloy . shim .A to reduce .A in duplicate .A make sure .C remote .A g
19、overnor .C the removal .B removing exhaust gases from thecylinder .B corrosive action .C corrosive action .B on sides of bowl .A theclearances .B anbearinginternalcombustion engine .D through bolts .A through bolts .A through bolts .C make an engineready for starting .A to stiffen .B sinking/bridgeg
20、auge .A four-stroke .B fuel injectionpump .A temperature .B viscosity .D combustion .A buffer .D buffer .A needle valve .D bottom deadcenter .A top dead center . B sounding rod . D coupling .B tags .C the bore .A end-chock bolts . B replaced .C the air charge . B a micrometer . A should be scraped .
21、C guide-ways .B the cross-head .B service tank .A mechanicallubricator .C tie rods .B TDC .A compressors .D less than .C bearing housing . C the slower it will evaporate .A jacket water .C lubricating oil .B wet liner .A dividing walls . B should be gradually reduced .B stretch gauges . A can be rec
22、overed .C balancing purpose .C each other .C unless .B 15 .B fifteen .C measured .A being shrunk into .A shrunk into .A journal .D main bearings .D All of the above .A forged .B lined .A an adequate supplyof lube oil .B tapering .C gradually .A the beginning of the compression stroke . B lubricator
23、.D studs screwed into the cylinder frames .D screwed into .B piston . D between .C cast iron .C fastened .D the connecting rodlarge end bearing .D the design .C oils .D micrometer .B oil .A a micrometer .D internal combustion engine .D combustionchamber .B the starting air .B interfering with . D st
24、roke .C after .C the other pistons . B the number of cylinders .B shaped .C compressed air . D seizure .A the start fails .D all of the above .D almost invisible .C larger than .C larger than .A nip .C compression ratio .C a gas seal .C plays an importantpart in .C so that .C expansion .A alternator
25、 .C water contents .C the moving piston .B takes place .B a cam .B injector .C fuel injection .C compressed air .D not only/but also .D tie rods .D make the enginerun at nearly constantspeed .C bosses .C a hand-drivensteering wheel .B cylinder .A injector pump .C the compressor .C governor .C heat .
26、D B and C .D all above are right .B the plunger .C plunger .C up and down . C chemicalcompound .C as close as .C as far away from .C cooling water .C cross-head .D a nut .D the cross-head . A the crosshead . C an oil distributor ring .B sump .C a magnetic filter .C compressed air .B measuredquantity
27、/sufficient .A seized .A inside the bearing .D bearing metal .B flash .B steel shells .B bore .B the cylinder bore .B the formation .B crankshaft, theconnecting rods .B four-stoke .A principle .A is always less than100% .B contamination with fuel oil .C be seated .A will lift .B tapered face .D a st
28、rainer .D neutralize .C heat .B overflowed .B logged .B working cycle .A a working cycle .A less than .A less than .D both valves areopen .C valve overlap .C lubrication .D a drain tank .B uses a drain tank not head tank .A crankshaft .C revolving .D flame hardenedagainst wear .A larger than .D have
29、 to berenewed .D compressive .C lubrication .D rack and pinion .A pinionarrangement .A the scavenging air .C the crossheadshoes .A gravity disc .C a dowel pin .C machine-turnedrecesses .C be as large as .B lower .B density .B friction and wear . C adjacent to .D scavenging .D CCcam .the pump plunger
30、 . positivedisplacement .D the load .B keep the enginerunning smoothly between power stroke .A by turning thepump plunger .C compressed air . D contaminating impurities .C the valves . D excessive air .B such a height .D to be bolted .C coil springs .D B and C .A to a great extent . A commercially a
31、vailable .D the timing gear .B (1)-(4)-(2)-(3)-(5) .A shims .C the cooling water space .D the cooling water space .D interlocks .B interlocks .A compressed air . D its trouble-free life .A inlet valves .C cycle .C between 300 to1200 .C opened .D diesel .C the fuel oiltemperature .A temperature .C in
32、 order to .A friction .D bunker list .C indicator cards . D (4)-(1)-(2)-(3) .C a head tank .A recirculating .B a cam .A film .A renewed .A principle .C surveyor .C inhibitors .B occurring .A should be correctlycarried out .B alkalinity .D at critical speeds .C flushing water .D ADrespectively . puls
33、e . respectively .B M.D.O .A variable injectiontiming .A is running .D both valves areopen .A throw .A for the release of air .A air .A has to be handled .C imposing .C bottom .C finished withengine .D already .B slightly alkaline .A strength .B opened .C three of the startingvalves stuck .CBviscosi
34、ty . maximum pressurein a cylinder .A the peak pressure in a cylinder .C 1-5-3-6-2-4 .A setting point .D None of the above is true.D A and B .C three of the sixstarting valves stuck .D all the above .D all of the above .D all the above .A leaky injector .D crankshaft .D the indicatorcocks .D VIT .D
35、VIT .B 2 .B increase the power of .C a feeler gauge .C is zero .A advanced .A advanced .C engine load .A machined .B pumpingrate/overflowed .D the humidity .D less equipment in contact with sea water .B before the point isreached at which the failures begin to increase rapidly .A the period of time
36、during which no trouble occurs to the engine . B the distance between them is changing .C read/sufficiently .C 300 rpm .C gas turbine .B piston .B The lower thepiston coolingtemperature is, thebetter it is.B Much heat of the crankcase door indicates that thebearing is overheated.CBBpiston .giving of
37、f / which . When received by .B The higher / the larger .A has kept pace with .A are interdependent .B 5120 kW .A the starting airdistributor .C 10 15 .B the outlet valve . C the top of the column/the cylinder blocks .C be equal to .C consult .B affect .A has much to dowith the operation ofthe engin
38、e and its life . A Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison with gasoline engines .D all the above .D more fuel than . A to fuel oil instead of diesel oil .B gives off largeamount of heat .A Air must beadmitted/without .D calorific value .C Pour point .B is made to circulate within the syst
39、em .B friction .A sliding pistonrings .A brought about .C the water content . C diluted with fuel oil .A worn main bearing journals .A Drain theaccumulated moisture . D intake valves are less affected to thecorrosive action of exhaust gases .B warn the engineer of low water level .B fail to react to
40、 small speed changes .B Pressurelubrication .B compensatingneedle valve .A tachometer .B valve size .D quality of the oil . D viscosity of the oil . D maintain specified injection characteristics .C means of heating the feedwater .A pick up more ofany increase in load .B a length ofapproved flexible
41、 nonmetallic hose .A during the valve overlap period .C lube oil vapors in the crank case .B induce air swirl . D increase the rate of heat transfer .B treat the water with caustic soda .C pitch .D injector nozzles . B feedwater is too hot .B chlorides .C contamination ofthe lube oil by water .Dstro
42、ke .C ofcompressionthe positivedisplacement type .C scavenging air .D twelve consecutivestarts .A fuel oil pressure .D gear pump .A slightly less thanatmospheric pressure .A ensure penetrationand distribution of thefuel in the combustionchamber .C damage towindings .C decrease in fuelconsumption per
43、horsepower-hour .A changing filterelements would notinterrupt engineoperation .D allow for anincrease in watervolume as the enginewarms up .D monel metal orstainless steel .D All of the above.A check and regulate the water level .B welding plates to form sections for assembly .C The oil pressure is
44、greater than the cooling water pressure.A fresh waterexpansion tank .A last part of theexhaust stroke, and thefirst part of the intakestroke .A clear .D Tie rod .A the filter to operatemore efficiently .D cooling water pump outlet .D decreased boilerefficiency .C main bearings .D all of the above .
45、D expansion tank atmospheric vent .C formation ofexcessive quantities of condensate .A furnace to bere-purged .D All of the above .D jacket water pump suction line .D valve springs .B accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operation .D pressure feed .
46、A the highest point in the system .B main bearings .A open late and close early .A free entry of air to the crankcase .B removescombustible gases .C staying open for a shorter period of time . B Prevents the accumulation of combustible gases.A internal crankshaft passages .C water level isabnormally
47、 low .B The boiler ventvalves should beopened.D Excessivefeedwater temperature. C reduce the risk of explosion .C higher at sea than while maneuvering . D drilled passages in the crankshaft .D increase the rate of heat transfer .D crankcase exhaust fan .C Pressure .C A defectiveafter-cooler .B abnor
48、mally highfeed water temperature . B fuel supply is shut off .B combustion pulses .D increaseoutput .powerB salt contamination . A seawater contamination .B around the cooler . A remove suspended and precipitated solids from the boiler water . D adjustable to meet lubrication requirements .B thermos
49、tatic bypass valve .B 950 RPM .B the compressionstroke .D heat exchanger .A failing to reachrated speed .B half the crankshaft speed .A oil spray .D the operation of the thermostatic valve .A Engine is hard to start .B day .B compressed airpressure .B low firing pressure and normal exhaust temperatu
50、res .B 775 RPM .C Proper alkalinity . A concentrations of calcium sulfate in the boiler water .C gradual fouling of the air filters .A 10 .A assist in a quickcutoff of fuel injection .Aembrittlement boiler metal .caustic of theB securing the boiler and giving it a blowing down .C Cooling water flow
51、through after-coolers . A increased fuelconsumption .A the formation of sulfuric acid .A sulfite orhydrazine .A direction of air flow within the cylinder .C recover heat which otherwise would be lost .C recover heat which otherwise would be lost .C constant or pulse pressure system .C constant or pr
52、essure system .pulseC inject fuel at theproper time .A reduce engineexhaust noise .D increase jacketwater temperature foreasier starting weather .in coldD 1500 RPM .B provide steam forthe turbo-generator .B chain drives .B gas temperature .D overheated tubes .B (2) only .D increase the airsupply .A
53、acidity hasincreased .A (1) only .D all of the above .A the size of the holes in the fuel nozzle .Caccumulation nozzles .carbon on theD excessive acidity .A Combustion gasesflow through the tubes .A slightly acidiccondition .B heat conductioninto the water jacketwall .B 8.0 to 9.5 .D reduce excessst
54、eam pressure in theboiler .B dirt .A Impurities .C iron or steel .A (1) only is correct .A starting air and fuel pumps .B feeler gauge .C 90 .B crankshaft .D all of the above . D connecting or piston rod .A air in the cooling system .B 3.00 to 1 .C crankshaft .B audible/visualalarm .D clogged sea su
55、ction strainer .C both (1) and (2) are correct .B statically balanced .C rate of injection .D breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution .A (1) only is correct .C a vibration damper .C a clogged raw water sea suction .C feedwater system .B the pressure drop across the filter .B decrease .C wrist p
56、in .C pressurize the lube oil system .B Main bearings .A two fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to be independent of the main engine .D piston to thecrankshaft .A delivering the same quantity of fuel to each cylinder for each powerstroke according toengine load .B installing fins onthe fi
57、resides ofwater-tubes .B lube oil pressure . C straight reciprocation .C counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise .B rotating the fuelinjector pump plunger . B water-tube forced circulation .B area times thestroke, times the number of cylinders . C both (1) and (2) are correct .C hydraul
58、ic “ pushrods” .B allow for theexpansion of the piston during operation .C air charge density decreases .C Rapid increase inpressuretemperature .andD all of the above .C Effective stroke . B better heat conductivity .A The sequence of events that produce apower pulse .B increasedwear .pistonA perfor
59、mance .D Maximum cylinder firing pressure is not developed until the piston passes TDC.D Light load .B improvecombustion .A penetration .A control rack .B mechanical cycle of operation .A cylinder exhaustvalve .B skirt .C temperature .B fuel penetration . C Weights acted on by centrifugal force .D w
60、ater vapor andcarbon dioxide .C bottom of the lube oil sump .D all of the above .A misfiring . D Atomizing .B An increase incompression ratio will decrease the ignition lag.B complete fuel/airmixing .B sensitivity .B The start ofinjection will beretarded.A vanadium .B high temperatureand a low visco
61、sity . C early fuel injection timing .B low intake airtemperature .D more rapid will be the rise in combustion pressure .B Full floating .B A servomotor.A controlling theamount of fuel injectedinto the cylinders .A engine overload . A reduce engine horsepower output .Acompression may not enough .cyl
62、inderpressure be highB Cavitation in thecooling water pump.B fouled . B opposed engine .pistonsD reduce the load onthe engine .A Exhaust andscavenging .D check the pressure drop across the filter . B only after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control ” .C excess fuel in the co
63、mbustion chamber . B engine room control station .A control axialmovement of thecrankshaft .D prolonged ignitionlag .D they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling .D they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling .B temperature is too low .C it develops twice as many power s
64、trokes at the same speed .D all of the above . C low tube oil pressure .C fuel injectors may be damaged by foreign particles in the fuel oil . C heated to reduce viscosity .B Transmits propeller thrust to the hull.B stability .B flyweightcentrifugal force is balanced by spring force .B leak in the p
65、rimary cooling system .B cylinder liner oil film .C transmit heat from the piston to the cylinder liner .A reduce the engine load .D all of the above .Apressures normal .compression are belowD All of the above.B shutting off the fuel supply .A a cracked liner .D All of the above are correct .D two p
66、iston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine .D all of the above . B at rated engineRPM .B reduce the amount of lube oil burned in the combustion chamber . B Heat ofcompression .C after TDC . D Eight .B brake horsepower .BD drainrenew the supply .and then lube oilpositivedisplacement pump .Adisplacement .Cpositivepositivedisplacement pumps .C regardless of . B positivedisplacement pumps .C meter fluidcolumn .B impeller .B in pulsation .C triple screw pump . A positiveBdisplacement .positivedisplac
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