1、PAGE 仙居中学七kok电子竞技下英语期中测试题 注意:请同学们把答案做在答题卡上,试卷不交,只交答题卡。Classs _ NNamee _ NNo. _ Maarkss _(时间:990分钟钟 总分分:1000分) 听 力(20分分)I、听句子子选择与与图示意意思相符符的选项项,听一一遍。(每小题题各1分分,计55分)( ) 1. A BB CC ( ) 2. A B C ( ) 3. A B CC ( ) 4. A BB C ( )5. A BB C II、情景景反应 根据录录音选择择正确的的应答语语,听一一遍。(每小题题1分,计计5分)( )6. A. Its ggreaat. B. Its b
2、boriing. C. Its cclouudy.( )7. A. Shees wwrittingg. BB. SShes aa nuursee C. Shhes ffinee.( )8. A. He livves in Tokkyo. B. Hee coomess frrom Parris. C. Im ffromm Tooronnto.( )9. A. I llikee thhem verry mmuchh. BB. TTheyyre cleeverr. C. Theeyre danngerrouss.( )10. A. Im aa waaiteer. BB. IIm hhapppy. C
3、. I ddo mmy hhomeeworrk.III、对对话理解解 根据据录音内内容及问问题选择择正确的的答案,听听两遍。(每小题题1分,计计5分)( )11. AA B CBankHotelPhoneBankHotelPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.HotelBankPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.BankHotelPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.( )12. A. Plaayinng bbaskketbballl. B. Cleeaniing thee cllasssrooom. CC. DDoinng hhomeeworrk.
4、( )13. A. In thee poolicce sstattionn. B. In thee TVV sttatiion. C. In thee baank.( )14. A. Winndy. B. Clooudyy. C. Sunnny.( )15. AA BB C IV、短文文理解 根据录录音内容容选择正正确的答答案,听听两遍。(每小题题各1分,计计5分) ( )166. TTodaay iis _. AA. SSatuurdaay mmornningg B. Sunndayy moorniing C. Sunndayy affterrnooon( )17. Theere aree
5、maany peooplee frrom _.A. Ennglaand andd Caanadda BB. AAmerricaa annd JJapaan CC. CCanaada andd Auustrraliia( )18. Thee drriveer(司司机) is _.A. ann Ammeriicann BB. aa Chhineese C. a mman( )19. _Chiinesse ppeopple aree inn thhe bbus. AA. OOne BB. TTwo CC. TThreee( )20. Peooplee _ iin tthe buss.A. arre
6、ttalkkingg too eaach othher(相互) BB. aare vissitiing thee Grreatt Waall(长城)C. arre llistteniing to a mman笔 试(80分分)I、单项选选择。(每小题题各1分分,计115分)()1.I tthinnk JJackk Chhan is a ggreaat aactoor,_ myy frriennds donnt llikee hiim.A. annd B. butt C. orrD.sso( )2. Whhat _ youur mmothher _? SShes aa reeporrterr.
7、AA. ddoess, ddo BB. aare, doo CC. ddo, do D. aree, ddoess( )3. Panndass arre vveryy _ annd _. So wwe aall likke tthemm. AA. ffrieendlly, uglly B. cutte, scaary C. danngerrouss, bbeauutifful DD. sshy, smmartt( )4. Iss thheree a payy phhonee _ thee neeighhborrhoood? YYes, itts _ CCentter Strreett _ th
8、ee riightt. AA. iin, dowwn, on B. onn, oon, is CC. iin, on, iss DD. oon, dowwn, on( )5、-WWherre ddoess yoour penn paal ? Hee inn Tookyoo. AA. liive; liivess B. liive ; livve C. liivess; livve DD. liivess; livves( )6. Koaalass arre iin _.( )7. PPeopple froom CCanaada _ Engglissh aand Freenchh.A. ssay
9、 B. tallk C. telll DD. sspeaak()8. Thheree _ aa baank andd twwo ppay phooness neear herre.A. hhas B. haave CC. aare D. is()9. Shhe wwantts tto _ a repportter beccausse sshe likkes _ tto ppeopple. A. do, too taalk B. be, taalkiing C. seee, sayyinggD. waiit, to seee()100. _is thee weeathher in Shaangh
10、hai?_wwinddy.A. Whhat ; Itss B. Howw ; ItsC. Howw ; Itss D. Whaat ; Itts( )11. Thhe sstuddentts _ ggamees aafteer cclasss. Theey _ vollleyyballl ooverr thheree noow.A. pllay, arre pplayyingg BB. aare plaayinng, plaay C. plaay, plaay DD. aare plaayinng, aree pllayiing( )12. Thhankk yoou ffor _ thee s
11、cchoool pplayy.A. jooiniing BB. tto jjoinn C. joiin D. iss jooiniing( )13.Oh, hii, JJanee!_? Nott baad.A. Hoow iit iis ggoinng BB. WWhatt arre yyou doiing C. Hoow iis iit ggoinng DD. WWhatt dooes shee doo?( )14. Plleasse bbe qquieet. My litttlee chhildd _.A. goo too beed BB. iis ssleeepinng C. sllee
12、pps DD. ggoinng tto sschoool()155. IIsnt iit ccutee?_. I likke iit vveryy muuch.A.Yess,itt issnt BB.Noo,itt issC.YYes,iit iis DD. NNo, it isnnt.II、完形形填空 (每小小题各11分,计计10分分)Many Ameericcanss liike to havve ttheiir vvacaatioon iin 11 coounttriees. Onee daay aan AAmerricaan 2 commes to Chiina. Thhis is h
13、err fiirstt tiime (次数数) tto CChinna aand shee waantss too 33 ssomee frriennds theere. Shhe mmeetts aa Chhineese. Thhis Chiinesse wwantts tto ttalkk 4 wiith thee Ammeriicann. WWhenn hee seees herr, hhe ccomees uup, sayys “ 5 ” to her, then he begins his first talk with someone 6 an English-speaking c
14、ountry.“How oldd arre yyou?” tthe Chiinesse 7 . “Im 8 . Pleeasee doontt assk aa laady (女士士) aabouut hher 9 . ” ansswerrs tthe womman.The CChinnesee iss suurprriseed. He doeesnt kknoww 110 . Cann yoou hhelpp hiim?( )1. A. an othher B. thee ottherr C. othher D. othherss( )2. A. mann B. boyy C. womman
15、D. chiild( )3. A. be B. beinng C. do D. havvingg( )4. A. witth EEngllishh B. witth CChinnesee C. in Engglissh D. in Chiinesse( )5. A. OK B. helllo C. sorrry D. goood-bbye( )6. A. to B. at C. of D. froom( )7. A. sayys B. tellls C.taalkss D. speeakss( )8. A. surre B. shyy C. hhapppy D. sorrry( )9. A.
16、dinnnerr B. agee C. jobb D. fammilyy( )10. A. hoow B. whyy C. whaat D. wheereIII、阅阅读理解解 (11-5小小题各11分,66-100小题各各2分,计计15分分)A DDo yyou knoow tthatt maan? He is my unccle. Hiis nnamee iss Daavidd Smmithh. HHe iis ffortty-eeighht tthiss yeear. He iis aa woorkeer. He wworkks iin aa Caar FFacttoryy. HHis f
17、acctorry iis nnot neaar hhis homme. So hhe ggetss upp eaarlyy inn thhe mmornningg annd ttakees aa buus tto wworkk. AAt aabouut sseveen tthirrty, hee geets to hiss faactoory. Hee maakess (生生产) thee paartss (零零件) of thee caar. He makkes manny eeverry dday. He wworkks vveryy haard. Everryonne llikees h
18、him andd saays he is a ggoodd woorkeer. He hhas hiss luunchh inn thhe ffacttoryy. HHe oofteen pplayys bbaskketbballl affterr woork. Inn thhe eevenningg, hhe llearrns Chiinesse aat hhomee. HHis Chiinesse iis ggoodd, ttoo. Soomettimees hhe hhelpps mme wwithh myy Chhineese. I liike my unccle verry mmuc
19、hh.()1. Thhat mann iss _.A. a tteaccherrB. a bbus driiverrC. a wworkkerD. a pplayyer()2. Hee _. A. teaachees CChinnesee inn a schhoollB. worrks in a CCar FacctorryC. leaarnss Chhineese eveery dayyD heelpss mee wiith my Chiinesse eeverry dday()3. Hee gooes to worrk _.A. by bussB. on foootC. by taxxiD
20、. by bikke()4. Hee _ inn thhe ffacttoryy.A. hass diinneerB. plaays basskettballlC. sleeepssD. eatts lluncch()5. Whhichh iss noot rrighht?A. Evveryyonee liikess myy unnclee B. My unccle cann sppeakk ChhineeseC. Myy unnclee iss veery lazzy iin tthe facctorry D. My unccle worrks verry hhardd inn thhe f
21、facttoryyBSUNNYY SCCHOOOLWe arre aa biilinnguaal(双双语) schhooll foor cchilldreen oof 66-155. WWe wwantt a coook, a llibrraryy asssisstannt, a ssporrts coaach andd a lannguaage teaacheer.JobAgeLanguuageeSkilllOtherr teermss(其它条件件)cook25400Chineesecan ccookk Chhineese andd Weesteern(西方) fooodhealtthyli
22、braary asssisttantt20355Chineese,Engliishhas tthe knoowleedgee(知识识) oon aall kinnds of boookscarefful(仔细)sportts ccoacch20400Chineese, Enngliishmajorr inn(主修修) PP.E.healtthy,stronngteachher30455Chineese,Engliishmajorr inn Enngliish-( )6. Whoo caant ggo tto SSunnny Schhooll?A. A fouur-yyearr-olld cch
23、illd. B. An eleevenn-yeear-oldd booy.C. A fiffteeen-yyearr-olld ggirll D. Ann eiightt-yeear-oldd kiid.( )7. Whoo iss noot wwantted by Sunnny Schhooll?A. A PE teaacheer. B. An Engglissh tteaccherr. C. A llibrraryy asssisstannt D. A mmathh teeachher.( )8. We knoow _ mayy noot sspeaak EEngllishh inn Su
24、unnyy Schhooll.A. thhe ssporrts coaach B. thhe ccookk CC. tthe libbrarry aassiistaant D. thhe llangguagge tteaccherr( )9. Thee cooachh muust majjor in _.A. Chhineese B. Enngliish C. foood D. P.EE.( )10. Thhe SSunnny SSchoool wannts a tteaccherr _.A. agged bettweeen 225 aand 40 BB. wwho cann coook We
25、ssterrn ffooddC. whho iis ccareefull annd sstroong D. whho ccan speeak Engglissh aand ChiinesseIV、词汇汇(每小小题1分分,计110分)1. Im vveryy _ (饥饿饿的), I wannt ssomee foood to havve.2. Thhe ggirll inn reed iis_ (看) TTV iin tthe rooom.3. Hoow mmanyy _(图书书馆)aare theere in youur ccityy?4. Hoow ddo yyou _ (抵达) at th
26、ee aiirpoort?5. Shhe _(享受受的乐趣趣) llyinng oon tthe beaach in summmerr.6. I likke pplayyingg wiith _ (chiild) inn thhe sschoool verry mmuchh.7. Moom _ (nott ruun), shhe iis wwalkkingg. 8. I hoppe tthe_ (bbegiin) of ourr toour is happpy.9. Thhe bbankk iss _(opeen) tweelvee hoourss evveryy daay.10. IIts
27、ppretty_ (winnd ) inn Shhangghaii .V、补全对对话(每每小题各各1分,计计5分)A: EExcuuse mme. _11_?B: Yees, I ddo. I hhavee a girrl ppen pall.A:_22_?B: Shhe iis ffromm Syydneey.A: Whheree iss Syydneey?B: Itts aa ciity in Ausstraaliaa.A: _33_?B: Yees. Koaalass arre ffromm Auustrraliia. Theyy slleepp inn thhe dday andd g
28、eet uup tto eeat leaavess att niightt.A:Thaat sooundds innterresttingg. Annd _4_?B: Itts wwarmm inn wiinteer aand coool iin ssummmer. A:_5_.B: Yooure wellcomme.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _5. _A. TThannk yyou forr annsweerinng mmy qquesstioons. B. Whheree arre kkoallas froom?C. DDo yyou havve aa peen ppal? D.
29、Whhats tthe weaatheer llikee inn Auustrraliia?E. WWherre iis sshe froom?F. Dooes Ausstraaliaa haave anyy faamouus (出名的的) aanimmalss?VI、任务务性阅读读 (每每小题11分,计计5分)Mr Caao iis aa teeachher in a mmidddle schhooll. HHe hhas a llot of thiingss too doo frrom Monndayy too Frridaay. On Monndayy annd TTuessdayy m
30、oorniing he hass 3 speeakiing claassees. On Thuursdday he hass 2 wriitinng cclasssess inn thhe mmornningg annd 11 inn thhe aafteernooon. Hee pllayss baall gammes aftter claass on Monndayy annd llisttenss too muusicc onn Tuuesdday aftternnoonn. HHe ddoessntt haave claassees oon WWednnesdday or Friida
31、yy. HHe wworkks oon tthe commputter on Weddnessdayy moorniing. Hee caan sspeaak aa liittlle JJapaanesse. So he takkes Jappaneese claassees tthatt affterrnooon. On Friidayy moorniing, Mrr. CCao meeets oldd frriennds. Inn thhe aafteernooon, hee haas aa reest (=rrelaax) at homme根据短文,现现在请同同学们为为曹老师填填完整他他
32、工作日日的日程程安排表表In thhe mmornninggIn thhe aafteernooonMondaay(1)Play balll ggamees TuesddayHave 3 sspeaakinng llesssonss(2)Wedneesdaay(3)(4)ThurssdayyHave 2 wwrittingg leessoonsHave 1 wwrittingg leessoonFridaay(5)Have a rresttVII、句句型转换换(每小小题各11分,计计10分分)1 .Myy mootheer iis wworkkingg in a rresttaurrantt.
33、(划划线部分分提问) _ yoour mottherr _?2. Maary wannts to be an acttor. (改改为一般般疑问句句) _ Marry _ too bee ann acctorr?3. I likke kkoallas beccausse ttheyy arre vveryy frrienndlyy. (就划线线部分提提问)_ do youu _ kkoallas?4. Thhey oftten plaay wwithh thhe ccutee doog. (用nnow改改写)They _ _ witth tthe cutte ddog noww.5. iss,
34、 yyourr, ggoinng, winnterr, hhow, vaacattionn (连连词成句句)_?VIII、展展示平台台(100分)假设你是某某饭店的的老板,你你想在某某报纸上上发布一一则招工工广告。现现在请你根据下下面名片片的内容容,写一一则广告告。Name: Jiim AAllaan SSmitth Bosss(老老板)Workpplacce(工工作单位位): Rosse RResttaurranttAddreess: Ceenteer SStreeet. Tel: 8288-87728 Mobille PPhonne: 13886877868828 WANTED WANTE
35、D:_Call _ _ _Call _ _. 仙居中学七七kok电子竞技下下学期期期中英语语测试答答题卡 听力部部分(每小题题各1分分,计55分)1. 22. 3. 4. 55 6. 7. 8. 9. 100. 11. 112. 13. 114. 155 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 笔试部部分I. 1. 22. 3. 4. 55 6. 7. 8. 9. 100. 111. 12. 113. 14. 15 II. 11. 2. 3. 4. 55 6. 7. 8. 9. 100. III. 1. 2. 33. 44. 55 (每每小题各各1分)6. 7. 8. 9. 100. (每每小题各各2分
36、)IV. 11. 22. 3. 44. 55 6. 7. 88. 99. 110. V1. 22. 3. 44. 55 VI1. 22. 3. 4. 55 VII11. 22. 3. 44. 55 6. 7. 88. 99. 110. VIII展示平平台 WANTED WANTED:_ Call _ _ _. _录音稿I、听句子子选择与与图示意意思相符符的选项项,听一一遍。1. Myy mootheer iis aa liibraary asssisttantt, bbut shee waantss too bee a docctorr.2. Myy peen ppal livves in A
37、usstraaliaa. SShe is Jappaneese.3. Thhe wweattherr iss suunnyy inn thhe mmornningg, bbut raiiny in thee evveniing.4. Thhey go to thee zooo tto ssee tiggerss annd ddolpphinn shhow.5. Loook, thhe cchilldreen aare cleeaniing thee rooom.II、情景景反应 根据录录音选择择正确的的应答语语,听一一遍。6. Whhats tthe weaatheer llikee inn
38、Chhonggqinng?7 Whaats sshe doiing?8 Wheere is youur ppen pall frrom?9 Whyy doo yoou llikee liionss?10 Whhat do youu doo?III、对对话理解解 根据据录音内内容及问问题选择择正确的的答案,听听两遍。11. AA: EExcuuse me. Whherees tthe bannk? B: Go strraigght dowwn NNew Strreett annd tturnn riightt. TTurnn leeft at Briidgee Sttreeet. Thee ba
39、ank is acrrosss frrom thee sttreeet. A: Thaank youu. B: Thaats OOK.Questtionn: WWhatt piictuure is rigght?12. AA: HHelllo, is Mikke ttherre? B: Sorrry. Hees sstilll aat sschoool. A: Oh. Umm, iis hhe ddoinng hhomeeworrk? B: No, hee issnt. Hes pplayyingg baaskeetbaall.Questtionn: WWhatt isst MMikee do
40、oingg att scchoool?13A: Annna, doees yyourr mootheer wworkk?B: Yees, shee dooes. Shhe hhas a nnew jobb.A: Whhat doees sshe do?B: Weell, shhe iis aa baank cleerk, buut sshe wannts to be a ppoliicewwomaan.Questtionn: WWherre ddoess yoour mottherr waant to worrk?14. AA: HHey, Peeterr. HHapppy NNew Yeaa
41、r! B: Happpy Neww Yeear, Toom! A: Howws tthe weaatheer herre iin SShannghaai? B: Its cclouudy. Hoows tthe weaatheer iin BBostton? A: Its wwinddy.Questtionn: WWhatts tthe weaatheer llikee inn Shhangghaii?15. AA: WWhatt arre yyou doiing?B: Im rreaddingg a boook.A: Doo yoou wwantt too goo too thhe mmov
42、iies?B: Suure, whhen do youu waant to go?A: Leets ggo aat 77:000.Questtionn: WWhatt piictuure is rigght?III、短短文理解解 根据据录音内内容选择择正确的的答案,听听两遍。Its a ffinee Suundaay mmornningg. AAnn andd heer mmothher aree inn a bigg buus. Theere aree maany peooplee inn itt. SSomee off thhem comme ffromm Ammeriica, annd
43、ssomee coome froom EEngllandd annd CCanaada. Thhey aree alll ttheiir ffrieendss. TTheyy arre ggoinng tto tthe Greeat Walll.Theree arre ttwo Chiinesse iin tthe buss. OOne is womman. Shhe iis ddrivvingg thhe bbus. Thhe ootheer iis aa yooungg maan. He speeakss goood Engglissh. He is noww taalkiing aboo
44、ut thee Grreatt Waall. Thhe ootheer ppeopple aree alll llistteniing to himm. TTheyy liike thee Grreatt Waall. Thhey wannt tto ssee it verry mmuchh.仙居中学七七kok电子竞技下下英语期期中测试试答题卡卡 听力部部分(每小题题各1分分,计55分)1. C 22. A 3. B 4. CC 5 CC 6. CC 7. A 8. BB 9. B 100. A 11. AA 112. C 113. A 114. B 15 CC 116. BB 117. A 18. B
45、B 119. B 20. CC 笔试部部分I. 1. BB 2. AA 33. D 4. A 5 A 6. C 7. DD 88. D 9. BB 10. AA 11. A 12. AA 13. CC 14. BB 15 CC II. 11. C 2. C 3. A 4. CC 55 BB 6. D 7. AA 8. D 9. B 100. B III. 1. C 2. BB 3. A 44. D 5 C (每小题各1分)6. A 7. D 8. B 99. D 10. D (每每小题各各2分)IV. 11. hhunggry 22.waatchhingg 3. liibraariees 4.
46、 arrrivve 55 ennjoyys 6. chhilddrenn 77. iisnt rrunnningg 88. bbegiinniing 99. opeen 10. wwinddyV1. C 2. E 3. F 44. D 5 AA VI1. Havve 33 sppeakkingg cllassses 2. Lisstenn too muusicc 3. Worrk oon tthe commputter 4. Taake Jappaneese claassees 5. Meeet oldd frrienndsVII11. WWherres wworkkingg 2. Dooes wwantt 3 Whhy llikee 4. arre pllayiing 5. HHow is youur wwintter voccatiion goiing?
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