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1、International CharitiesUnit 58B I am used to searching for information on the Internet when I am planning a lesson. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事Pictures of the earth in the evening taken from the spaceNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAfricaEurope欧洲JapanIndia印度The southeast of chinaLights shine in the eveni

2、ng in some parts of the world. It is bright there in the evening.But in some areas, it is dark then. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 I am used to buying some snacks with my pocket money.I am used to having some food left in the bowl after eating.And I am used to throwing them away afterwards.People in

3、poor countries/areasdont have _.enough foodneed food .He is so weak thathe cant walk any further.What do they need?bookscarsclotheseducationfoodhealth carehomesjobsmoneycomputersTVswater What do they need most ?A: I think is the most / least important. ( I think they need most.) ( I think is more im

4、portant for)B: I agree. (I dont agree. I think is the most/least /more important. Because )DiscussionI think they need _ _ _ most.I think _ _ and _ are the least important things for them.DiscussionThey are too poor. They need something to help them stay alive most. food water clothes computers cars

5、TVsProject HopeProject Green HopeSpring Bud ProjectSave Chinas TigersCharitiesInternational CharitiesThis organization helps save peoples sight(视力) in the world and train(训练) the doctors and nurses.ORBIS奥比斯Flying Eye Hospital (飞行眼科医院) Name of the charityORBISFact37,000,000 blind people28,000,000 can

6、 be cured(治愈)They need help.What to dohelp the blind in poor areasCome to China34 timesIt helps _. blind peopleWorld Wide Fund for Nature 世界自然基金会Earth Hourfrom 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.March 28, 2009 Its an international charity to help protect the wild animals in the world.WWF:World Wide Fund for Natu

7、re (世界自然基金会)It protects_around the world.the environment and wild animalsWorld Vision is an international charity which raises money for people in poor areas. One month after China earthquake, World Vision helped people in Wenchuan in many ways. In all, they planned to help about 1.1 million people

8、in Sichuan.世界宣明会It raises money for people in poor areas around the world.World Vision 世界宣明会 世界宣明会是一个国际基督教救援及发展机构,由美籍记者卜皮尔博士于 1950 年创立,希望藉各項事工使贫穷人得益。服务对象以儿童及其家庭为重点,工作包括提供紧急救援,鼓励人民自力更生,培训領导人才,同時加強公众对贫穷国家的认识。目前,世界宣明会在全球近 100 个国家,透过各項的资助计划,帮助了超过 一亿人。 宣明会的援助不分宗教、性別、种族及国界等背景,亦不会只限于基督徒。It helps _around th

9、e world.poor areas(乐施会) It helps people in poor countries. It is an international charity. It helps the poor people in poor areas. Let the poor people have the same rights(权利) as the rich people and make the world a fair(公平的) place.Oxfam shops It helps_.people in poor countriesHow does this charity

10、work?It works to provide _with_UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund(联合国儿童基金会) children food, health and educational needs. How does this charity work?It helps_.provide children with food, health and education30060the Great WallBeijing, ChinaWorld Wide Fund for NatureUNICEFInternational charitiesUNIC

11、EFGuessing gameWorld Wide Fund for NatureGuessing gameGuessing gameGuessing gameGuessing gamethe Great WallBeijing, ChinaWorld Wide Fund for NatureUNICEFTestsWhich charity can help them? ORBIS B. Oxfam C. UNICEF D. World Wide Fund for NatureProblem 1: _Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare anima

12、ls which are protected by laws(法律).World Wide Fund for Nature Problem 2: _Children in poor areas in Africa dont have enough food to eat or enough houses to be their shelter. They are ill, but they cant go to hospital; They are old enough, but they cant go to school.UNICEFProblem 3:_Catherine has bee

13、n blind since she was sixteen years old. Now ten years has passed, she still cant see anything because she is very poor and hasnt got enough money to go to hospital.ORBIS ORBIS B. Oxfam C. UNICEF D. World Wide Fund for NatureWhich charity can help them?Lets help others together!Watch and AnswerWhat

14、does Oxfam need?What does Hobo want Eddie to do?What does Oxfam need?What does Hobo want Eddie to do? Oxfam needs money. He wants Eddie to donate his pocket money.Watch and AnswerAct out the dialogue. You want to be a chairperson of one of the international charities. And you should make a speech in

15、 the class.Choose our chairperson Good morning ladies and gentlemen, My name isI want to be a chairperson of the Oxfam/UNICEF/OBRIS If I can be the chairperson. I will try my best to , and. So if you like me, please support me. At last, I want to thank for your help. Thank you very much.Hong Kong Re

16、d Cross 150,000,000 HK$ The Red Cross Society of China (中国红十字会)World Vision 25 ,000,000 HK$UNICEF 300,000 US$Oxfam 25,000,000 yuanUN Refugee Agency 50, 000 US$has received lots of donations from different charities all over the world. International charities(国际的)World Wide Fund for NatureUNICEFInter

17、national charities(国际的)World Wide Fund for NatureUNICEFIt helpsWhich charity would you like to work for?Why?World Wide Fund for NatureUNICEFHobo wants to do something for charities.Listen to the comic strip and answer the questions.2. What does Hobo want Eddie to do?1. What does need ?Oxfam needs mo

18、ney. He wants Eddie to donate his pocket money.Eddie, Oxfam needs money. You have some pocket money left. Lets give it to them.1. Does Eddie want to go out before lunch ? What time does he always have lunch ?2. Where is the new restaurant ?More questions:No. At twelve oclock.Its next to the Oxfam sh

19、op. Hobo, you used to be very kind to me. Let me have lunch first. Im so weak that I cant walk any further.Dont worry. We can have a big lunch afterwards. Now? We always have lunch at twelve oclock. Im not used to going out before lunch.Eddie, Oxfam needs money. You have some pocket money left. Lets

20、 give it to them.OK, Ill take you to a new restaurant. Its next to the Oxfam shop.Exercises:. Complete the following passage:Hobo hears that Oxfam n_ money. He wants to donate Eddies p_ money to Oxfam. But Eddie wants to have lunch f_ because its 12 oclock. He isnt used to g_ out before lunch. He pr

21、etends(假装) that he is too w_ to walk. Finally, Hobo d_ to take him to a new r_ next to the Oxfam shop.eedsocketirstoingeakecidesestaurantAct out the dialogueSmile Angle Foundation 嫣然天使基金2,4oo,ooo Name : Smile Angel Foundation Aim(宗旨) : help poor kids under 14 with harelips(兔唇) Starting time : 11 Nov

22、. 2006 Organizer : Wang Fei and Li Yapeng What they did : donate ¥ 1 million to start the charity hold a party to raise money donations : ¥ 8.45 million yuan Smile Angle Foundation 嫣然天使基金It is our duty to help the people in need!We need more charities.We need more people to take part in charity work

23、.We are the world We are the childrenWe are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start givingTheres a choice were making Were saving our own livesIts true well make a better dayJust you and meEnjoy a song!We Are the WorldGoodbye!A new charity called Smile Angel Foundation _(be set up被创建)on Nov.

24、11, 2006 by Wang Fei and Li Yapeng. The star couple started the charity _ (because)their daughter, Li Yan. She _(use) be harelipped(唇裂) and could hardly eat or drink. Doctors _(operate on手术)her when she was 3 months old. And she is quite healthy now. Wang and Li felt _ lucky _(如此以致)they decided to o

25、rganize a charity to help more kids with harelips in poor families. They donated ¥1 million to start the foundation. Soon another ¥8.45 million was collected from their friends after a party. So far the foundation has collected altogether ¥12 million. Its enough to help 2,400 harelipped children. Ho

26、wever, the foundation still needs everyones donation _ (carry on 坚持)with their work.Smile Angel Foundationwas set upbecause ofused tooperated onso thatto carry onTry to make the world a better place for people.We are family. So, what will you do if others are in danger or in trouble?Then the world w

27、ill be much more beautiful because of you!People in poor countries/areasdont have _.People in NeedThere are a lot of poor people in the world. They dont have enough food to eat and nobody pays for their education, so they go to work instead of going to school. The number of those children is getting

28、 larger and larger. And a lot of people need help. For example, many people with eye problems cant see the world clearly. They live in a dark world all the time because they dont have enough money to go to the hospital. Discuss What can you do to help these people in need?Who does it talk about?The

29、poor people in need in the world.Chinese CharitiesProject Hope Project Green HopeSave Chinas TigersSpring Bud ProjectInternational (国际的) Charities ORBIS奥比斯 ORBIS- This organization helps protect peoples sight(视力) in the world and train the doctors and nurses.ORBIS 奥比斯 全球有4,500万人失明,大部分都是生活在贫穷的发展中国家,由

30、于当地医疗设备贫乏,因此不能及时治疗他们的眼疾。其实,当中有80%的失明是可以防治的。奥比斯于1982年成立,二十多年来,奥比斯眼科飞机医院一直坚守的目标,就是将先进的眼科技术和知识带到世界最需要的地方。是个为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,宗旨是“使全球失明者重见光明”。“奥比斯”(ORBIS) 意思为 “地球、眼睛” 。这个组织的国际奥比斯眼科飞行医院是世界第一所飞机眼科医院。该院于1982在美国休思敦建立,总部设在纽约。自1982年成立以来,来自29个国家的600多位世界一流的眼科专家,先后访问了70多个国家和地区,使万名眼疾患者在专机上进行手术疗,使他们重见光明。这座飞

31、行医院1982年起多次来华,为我国几百名眼疾患者做了手术。1989年双方签署了意向性文件以建立长期合作关系,为我国培训更多的县、区级眼科医护技术人员. 1994年,奥比斯主席访华时将一架-眼科专用飞机赠送给中国。“奥比斯”(ORBIS)乐施会 It is an international charity. It helps the poor people in poor areas. Let the poor people have the same rights as the rich people and make the world a fair place. UNICEFUNICEF

32、is an international organization. It helps the children in the world. Especially their health, rights and so on.联合国儿童基金会World vision世界宣明会 It is an organization that helps people in poor areas around the world and the health care(医疗保健).World Wide Fund for Nature世界自然基金会Its an international charity to

33、help protect the wild animals in the world.Match the International CharitiesORBIS (乐施会)Oxfam (奥比斯)UNICEF (世界宣明会)World Vision (联合国儿童基金会)World Wide Fund for Nature (世界自然基金会)DiscussTalk with your partner, and chose the most important things they need. and tell us why.A: What do you think people in poor

34、 countries need most?B: I think they needA: Why do you think so?B: Because I think Listen and answer What does Hobo want Eddie to do?He wants Eddie to donate the pocket money to the Oxfam.What time does Eddie usually have lunch?He always has lunch at 12.Does Eddie want to go with him? Why? No, he do

35、esnt. Because he is not used to going out before lunch.Where did they have lunch at last? A restaurant near the Oxfam.Read and Answer Act out the dialogue :Please talk with you partner and try to act the dialogue out. You can add some other information.Make a speechNow you want to be one of the chai

36、rpersons of the international charities. But you must make a speech in the class.For example :Good morning ladies and gentlemen,(1)My name is, I am good at . I want to be a chairperson of the Oxfam. (2) If I can be the chairperson. I will try my best to , and.(3) So if you like me, please support me

37、. At last, I want to thank for your help. Thank you very much. 慈善:关爱与和谐Mothers Day The second Sunday of May What special thing did you do on Mothers Day?UNICEF helps government and families make the world a better place for children. dont have .used to do sth. 过去常常做某事International charities(国际的)Unit

38、ed Nations Childrens Fund Oxford Committee for Famine Relief Project Orbis - ORBIS “奥比斯”(orbis) 在拉丁文中含有“地球、眼睛”的意思(另一说法是“眼睛地球仪”) 世界自然基金会(简称WWF,旧称World Wildlife Fund International世界野生生物基金会,现在更名World Wide Fund for Nature)于1961年9月11日成立于瑞士小镇莫尔各斯(Morges), ORBIS World Wide Fund for NatureWorld VisionOxfamU

39、NICEFCharities InternationalWorld Vision is an international charity which raises money for people in poor areas. One month after China earthquake, World Vision helped people in Wenchuan in many ways. In total, they planned to help about 1.1 million people in Sichuan.How does this charity work?It works to raise money for people in poor areas around the world.世界宣明会 health care 保健 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事I am / We are used to _. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(sth) be used to do sth. for doing sth. 某物被用来做某事Charities What do they need?


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